Day Seven Pt. 2

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Frances Powell POV

I run into the clearing heading straight for the weapons, food, and medicine. I'm within ten yards away from the supplies. Wright, Gridley, and Summer slowly catch up. Wright turns to one of the others to kill and so does Gridley. I keep going straight for the supplies.

My eyes see better as the sun starts becoming sunset. I then see a new bow and a quiver filled with arrows. I only have five. But then the mutts run quickly in front of me and Summer. Summer throws a knife into the head of one and the stomach of another. I load two arrows and shoot them at the same time. One impacts a man eating plant's stem, cutting through, slicing it in half. The other arrow misses completely. I attempt to run past but a vine stretches out of the ground and grabs me by my feet. I load another arrow turn, and aim. The arrow whizzes through the air and slices through a piece of the vine. And slowly the vine gets tighter. Then Summer runs up after killing the beasts and cuts the vine off with her knife.

I get up off my feet as Summer helps me up and we run for the stuff. Then out of nowhere two zombies that look exactly like Ian, the boy from 11, who died first at the bloodbath. The announcement said there would be 10x the amount of the mutations so they probably multiplied the zombies.

Both Ian's corpses run up to me and Summer. I load another arrow, my last arrow. I shoot but it's no use. It hit the chest. Not the head. So I take of the quiver and shove it to the ground and run as fast as possible to the quiver.

Summer Harris POV

I ran from the Ian zombies. I turn to see Tripp Markel, showing his evil, wicked grin. I draw my throwing knives, using them as regular daggers as we are in short distance from each other.

"You don't know how long I've been waiting for this moment. You will be the highlight of my time here." He says holding his axe.

He laughs manically and runs at me full speed. I dodge to the side as he swipes his axe slice ing through the air making a wind-like sound. I look at him and throw a knife but it sails above his head. I didn't have enough time to aim.

"Is that the best you've got?" He says and throws the axe at me and misses completely, probably getting messy with the exposition.

"Is that all you got?" I taunt.

Tripp Markel POV

As she says this sentence my face turns red with rage. I them take out a dagger I had gotten from my starters pack and start slashing viciously at her. She keeps dodging off to the side. She raises her arm, signaling she about to throw the knife. But then she moves her arm forward and I attempt to duck the knife but she faked the throw and I'm stuck in a position where I can't get up quick enough and she throws the knife. It lands in my stomach, making it harder for me to draw oxygen. She runs over to me, picks up the dagger I had and spear tackles me with knife at my throat.

"Fool. You deserve to die! You-" I cough, blood splattering from my mouth and onto Summer, who doesn't seen to care. She cuts me off.

"And you deserve a slow and painful death, but I'm in a rush, I have a Hunger Games to win so unfortunately I have to make this quick." She says and slashes her knife across my throat. At first I feel an extreme amount of pain and then nothing.


Maya Surtissa POV

I stand still in the clearing. Not doing anything but watching. I see Frances running to the supplies while Summer just killed Tripp. Again. I see Gridley running over to Andrea and Elizabeth. Then I see Wright running over to me.

I raise my bow, arrow already loaded, and shoot. I curse as he raised his prosthetic arm (that he got after being blown up by Emily) and the arrow deflects off of it. I load another arrow but he dodges before I even released and the arrow seems to be going to a wider area. It's no use. The bow is a long ranged weapon. I have to fight barehanded or use my poison and daggers. I shove the bow to the ground and run at him. He slashes at me with his dagger. Then we stare off.

"I'm sorry Wright. I have to kill you, for Kelly and Dylan." I say simply.

"Well I have to win for Tricia and for District One. Making my District proud!" he then says.

"Then make the best tribute win." I say.

I take out a poison vial and a dagger. He sticks with his dagger. I lunge forward slashing viciously at his chest and stomach. But he dodges every time. He then punches me in the jaw with his free fist and creates a gash on my cheek with his dagger. I then attempt to stab him with poison filled needle but instead I acted too late and squeezes all the poison out onto the grass. He then tackles me but then I flip him on the ground and I'm locking him to the ground. I start chocking him with my bare hands. First he's angry then a grin is brought to his face. I give him a confused look and then I feel the tip of his dagger cut through the skin of my back and it gets deeper into my back. I scream in anger and in pain. I drop on top of him and he pushes me off and takes out the dagger. Them I force myself to flip over onto my back. Face face ing the sky and him.

"Well done Wright. That was an even battle, make sure to win this, and do Tricia proud." I say, blood splattering little from my back and my mouth.

He takes my things and runs into battle.


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