Chapter One: Thrown Back

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I had caught an early flight back, as I know Stiles was eager for me to be there for the Senior scribe night as the rest of my friends would want me there for tonight

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I had caught an early flight back, as I know Stiles was eager for me to be there for the Senior scribe night as the rest of my friends would want me there for tonight. I was confident that I would make it into Beacon Hill just in time. After the flight, which took eight-hours, I had everything packed within the car which was waiting for me. Which was also compelled for. I'm not made of money, so compulsion comes a long way. Plus, Scott doesn't need to know...

The ride into Beacon Hills were terrible, the weather was bad, thunder and lighting crackled through the sky, rain poured so heavy I could only smell the rainwater. Also the driver had instructed me that the route 115 was piled up as there was a traffic jam... I lean back against the leather seats as I see the traffic jam ahead, and the cars miles in front, this was the only way in from the airport, but I wasn't going to sit here and wait for it too clear.

"Once this traffic jam starts to move, go to my home and place my luggage in my house and then your services are no longer required," I had spoken to the mid-aged man who was wearing a cap like posh drivers do.

"Got it Miss," he replied swiftly, as that was the compulsion sorted. Once he had dropped my luggage off and leaves he would forget what he had done for me. I curl my fingers around my Rose Quarts crystal and began to focus on the school, thinking of a safe space to appear from thin air. I thought about the under part where Derek and I first kissed, if you wanna call it that. Suddenly, the necklace had shined throughout the car and my eyes blurred like I was moving really fast, I had also stood up from my seating position. I began to get wet as the rain over head had splatted down upon my hair, the coldness had hit my skin.

The blurriness had faded and I stood on some stairs just near the under head way. But the first thing I had smelled was blood, but it was faint due to the rain and then grunts. I walk down the steps just in time to see Scott brake a guys wrist. He was large and his claws wasn't natural they looked more like talons. First thing back and we're already thrown into the supernatural world. The man roars in pain as I could see the bone pop out from here, I think it's time for my entrance...

I walk down the steps further, and came into the under head way, waving my hand out to the man, as he went flying back, landing on the wet ground only a few inches away from Scott.

"Phesmatos Incenida," I had chanted raising my hand up into the air as a ring of fire produced around him, before I lowered my hand back to my side. "I've been gone the summer and this is what I come back too," I had said smugly, my footsteps splattering among the puddles on the ground. My eyes had caught Scott's which were red, he smiles at me, glad to see me.

"Perfect timing," he had replied as he was thrilled to see me. I had came to a stop in-front of the ring of fire as the man inside stood up, and was ready to cross it.

"Don't try to step over. I spelled the circle," I had folded my arms over my chest as I stare at this man, who wouldn't dare try too cross.

"I don't know who you are," Scott had began as he stood to the left of me, the heat could be felt from where we stood. "Or what you thought you were going to do, but I'll give you a choice. You can stay and I'll break something else or you can run," Scott had given the option, though I couldn't argue with him. Scott looks to me and gives me a nod. I crushed my hand into a fist, as the fire began to dim, like I was snuffing out the oxygen. Soon enough the fire had gone and nothing was left, the man looks down the way to see Stiles.

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