Chapter Seven: Eichen

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I spent the day with Lydia, just keeping her company as Parrish had left to do his job. She slept most of the day, but I kept with her. I had slept through the afternoon as I was tired as well, but I was sharp in my senses just in case...

Suddenly, I began to hear a ringing sound come to my ears, making me jolt up and look around my surroundings. I was slouching in the chair next too the bed, Lydia still fast asleep. This time around, a buzzing sound came to ear, making me look to the left to the bed-side table, my phone flashing up. I quickly grab it and stare at the screen, seeing a few miss calls from Scott and a few texts. It says he was going to a club called 'Sinema' and he wanted me to meet him there.

I didn't waste anytime, as this must be important. I pushed off from my legs and went into vamp-speed. I speed out of the room and out of the hospital, to my parked car, waiting in the parking lot. I had gotten in and started the engine, it roared to life, and didn't waste anytime getting on my way...


I parked up outside the Sinema and got out and headed to the back, to see it all ready opened. I didn't waste anytime in entering the place. Music blared out and into my ear drums, but I blocked it out. I came to a opening in the wall which was covered in beads that hung from the top of the wall. I parted the beads just in time to see Kira swinging her sword around as her aura of her fox had shown, she was yelling something in Japanese, but I didn't catch it all.

She was ready to kill someone on the ground and aimed her sword down to strike, but I quickly threw my hand out and Kira had stopped before her sword could strike the kid. Kira face looks up as she sees me with my hand out, but her aura began to fade as her eyes stopped glowing. Scott was beside her just as quick, as I lowered my hand.

"Is everyone ok?" Scott's voice rang out, as I cast my gaze around. There was Brett and Mason against a pillar and I could smell Brett's blood from here. Liam was also in the room, as he would have came with Mason.

"Quick question. What the hell is that?" I ask, pointing down to the unconscious kid on the floor, with stringers coming out of his arms. My gaze flickered between Scott and Kira, hoping one of them would have an answer for me.

"It's a Sumerian," Scott states to my question which made me raise an eyebrow at him. "We need to get him out of here. Liam, give me a hand," Scott states as Liam comes forward from the right of me, and grabs the kid's legs, as Scott got his arms. They halt him up, but a arrow was shoot through his chest, as blood splashed up into the air. Scott and Liam drop the body in shock as the arrow zoomed out of the body as it was on a line, making us follow the string up to the rafters. We see three men wearing masks, like Malia had described to us.

"Why did you do that?" Scott rushes out, as there was no need to kill him.

"His condition was terminal," said the first masked man, who's voice was distorted of some sorts.

"What does that mean?" Scott pushes on, but the three of them turn around, and began to leave. "What does that mean?!" Scott raises his voice at them, making them stop and turn back around.

"Failure," his distorted voice replied, just as sparks were produce and darkness had surrounded them all and before we knew it they had all left, like just vanished into thin air...

My gaze dropped to the dead kid on the floor, as they killed him because he wasn't right, he turned out wrong... So what are they cooking up...


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