Chapter Twenty-Seven: Break Out

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"Alice, wake up! Alice!" A voice was brought to my ears, making me flutter my eyes open to see Liam crouching in front of me, but I was propped up against a door. My head slightly banging, but it wasn't much...

"What happened?" I asked Liam, my eyebrow raised.

"We found you and Parrish like this," he states, making me turn my head to the right to see Parrish alive and well. I slowly began to stand to my feet, using the door as support, as I watch Liam rummage through a station cart for something.

"What are you doing?" I ask Scott, as his eyes landed on me.

"We need Parrish to find Lydia as he can," Scott states to me as I nodded my head. "But we need the hellhound," Scott went on, as Liam throws him a can of spray. Parrish sits at the bottom of the step, breathing slightly heavy as he watches Scott pull a lighter out and brought the flame up.

"I'll go ahead see if I can catch her scent," I told them before they could stop me I had vamp-sped away and down the stairs. Going back to the closed unit, without coming out of vamp-speed, but mostly I was following Stiles's scent that lead me to a shower room and down a grate, which was open. Meaning I was on the right tracks...

I came to a halt in the tunnels sniffing the air to follow the trace of Stiles, but there was chemicals in the air and shit... His scent was fading by the second, I needed an another method. I began to focus on channelling the ley-lines once again, hoping that I wouldn't use too much of it's power. I channelled enough to snap open my eyes to find a burning trail of flames leading me down the hallway, but once I began to walk the flames vanished into thin air. I quickly rushed down the hallway, taking twist and turns around corners, finding myself to Stiles.

"Lydia!" I hear Stiles's voice echo through the hallway, the path of flames glowing brighter as it suddenly vanishes, like the air was snuffed out. Banging also came to ear, making me vamp-speed to the source. I came to a halt behind Stiles and Theo, who were trying to get the down down.

"Stand back," I spoke to them both, making them shoot around but they took a step-side ways. I held my hand out to the door, but before I could speak a word a loud screaming sound came to our ears, making the door rumble and everything around us. I clutch my ears once again, as the Scream of a Banshee lasted only a moment. But a wave of blood entered my nostrils, but it wasn't Lydia's, I quickly shot out my hand to the door, making it swing open. Stiles bolts in to save Lydia as I came in after him to see her sat up right before falling back into the chair.

"You came back," Lydia spoke to Stiles as he took off the monitoring pads off her temples.

"We're getting you out of here, ok?" Stiles states to her.

"You can't. It's too dangerous," Lydia replied, knowing that it wasn't safe for her to be outside these walls right now.

"Lydia, please shut up and let me save your life," Stiles was tough with her but she offered a small smile while nodding her head. He grabs her arm and wrapped it around his neck and she slid of the table with him, and I came to the other side of her, wrapping her other arm around my neck. Stiles and I drag her out of that room, and along the tunnel, hoping we would get out of here fast...

We walk for a few minutes turning corner and following the pipes on the wall, but Lydia was slipping on us, her legs were giving way as she was fighting the screams inside her head.

"Lydia you have to stay on your feet," I told her as she groans in pain.

"The plan didn't work out too well," Stiles went on trying to lighten the mood with his humour. "So we need your help, ok?" Stiles states to her, as a door was appearing in front of us.

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