Chapter Twenty-Eight: Marie-Jeanne

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The time of the past was a haunting thing to know. Some people would want to forget the past, and some will remember it forever. I was one of them, I would remember until my very last breath...

The year 1764, it's been 129 years since I was turned into a vampire. I was currently in France as I had been before after a few years since turning and promised myself that I would return, so I did. Gevaudan was the current place I was in, as I heard that it was quite and friendly and that was what I needed. A place to lay low and not get into trouble. I found the local tavern and got a job as a waitress there, serving ale to the towns people. For a few months I loved the job, I loved the people I met, and was all ready fond of France. But the most special person I had made a relationship with was a local huntress from there. Her name...

Marie-Jeanne Valet...

She was fearless hunter, she would teach me the basics of hunting when she had the time, she was the person who taught me how to fight, how to track, but I didn't need too because of my super-senses. Marie-Jeanne also taught me how to use a bow and arrow, and we bonded like Sisters... I also told her my secret, that I was a Witch. But she didn't believe in that type of superstition. So I simply let it go. Of course Marie-Jeanne had told me about her Brother Sebastien who went off to war to fight for his country. I kept her company as I knew what it was like to have a sibling and how hard it is too be away from them...

One night in the tavern, Marie-Jeanne and I was having a drink together. We had heard the terrible news that was all over France at the moment, that a Beast was let loose, killing woman, men and children, and there was a reward out for the Beast's head. Marie-Jeanne was currently reading a letter from her Brother, but her expression had turned into sadness as she was missing him deeply.

"Have hope he will return," I told her with a soft tone, while I offered her a small smile for comfort. Suddenly, I was called away to attend the local people with their drinks, though it was my night off, I just couldn't leave the barkeeper to keep up. So I went around refilling drinks but I had caught wind that the Beast was killing for sport and not eating it's prey.

"Tell that to the King," I heard the back end of a elderly mans comment. "I have word he may send a contingent of his own professional hunters. Until then, we can use volunteers for a hunting party. Especially, someone to lead it," the elderly man states as I made my way back to the table with Marie-Jeanne on, cutting the skin off her apple.

"Why ask for a volunteer?" A man's strong voice emitted in the tavern, but my eyes caught the expression of Marie-Jeanne. "We all know who the best hunter is in Gevaudan," Marie turned her head to look at the entrance. The mans eyes and hers had met as wide toothy smile came to her face. "Marie-Jeanne Valet. My sister," he offered her a smile, so this was Sebastien. He's cute...

"Bastard!" She jokes as she got up from her seat and ran into her brothers arms and they hugged, she began laughing as she missed him. I smile fondly as she hugged another man called Marcel before dragging her brother towards the fireplace to get warm.

"I am not going to argue with your brother, Marie-Jeanne. What do you say?" The elderly man states, now on his feet staring at her, waiting for an answer.

"Marie-Jeanne! Marie-Jeanne! Marie-Jeanne!" The people in the tavern began to chant, and I joined along.

"Well?" Her brother asks her. "Will you heed their call?"

"I hunt animals. Not rumours," she states, making everyone in the tavern laugh at her comment. Though she didn't believe in the supernatural, I would imagine that she would take it well. Suddenly, the atmosphere went from a lively, joyful time to a quite shock as people gasp, my eyes lifted from my cup to see a man carry in a little boy. The boy was dead as I couldn't hear his heart beat. We all watched shocked as he moves forward and places the boy down onto a table, making me stand to my feet and move forward.

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