Chapter Thirty-Four: Vampire Blood

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Scott and Liam had gotten the Surgeon as he was still alive and they took him to Deaton to see if he could be saved, for us to get some information out on him. We all entered the clinic the back way, the door making noise. As we can to the arch way we see Deaton and Stiles looking at Scott and Liam carrying the Surgeon.

"He's still alive," Scott states to Deaton, he moves quickly and clears the space on his table as Scott and Liam drag the Surgeon to the table and places him down, as he lays on his back. "Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks Deaton as he checks over the Surgeon.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive," Deaton replied back, as he checks over the Surgeon. 

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Liam wanted answers, he wanted a way to bring Mason back. This is far out from my knowledge about the Supernatural...

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough," Stiles added from the left of me, making me raise an eyebrow at his comment. 

"I'll go get my torture bag," I said, making everyone eyes raise and look towards me, holding an questionable expression. "What?" I shrugged at their looks, as I thought it was a harmless thing to say. 

"Did you hear that?" Liam states making me cock my eyebrow up at him, but I listened in from outside. 

"Come to me," I hear Sebastien's voice fill my ears, before a high-pitched sound came rushing in, and the Surgeon rose from the table. I clamp my hands over my ears, as it wasn't the pitch sound that he used before, this once was different. I wince in pain, as I began to crouch but I see the Surgeon stand to his feet, everything around us was rattling, as he was effecting the whole place. Liam got a grip with the high pitch and ran at the Surgeon, but he raises his hand toward Liam and a plus of energy was released, hitting Liam and sent him flying back into some cabinets. 

The Surgeon left the building, and the ringing in our ears began to null, but suddenly I could feel a vibration moving around in the clinic. I stand to my feet and see the tables and the equipment began rattling, heavily. Before I knew it, they all shot at me, but I was quick and ducked in time to see them zoom pass. Once it was safe, I stood and turn to look at the back entrance of the clinic to see it blocked off with tables, shelves, and equipment. Scott and Liam went forward, ready too pull it away.

"Stop," Deaton spoke just in time, making the boys come to a halt as electricity burst to the right of the arch way. "It's electrified," Deaton warned them, before they could get a shocking surprise. I push my blonde hair behind my ear and began listening outside, I could hear heavy breathing and something dripping. 

"Marcel..." Sebastien's voice filled my ears, but my eyes widen as he spoke. It couldn't be Marcel, the man who helped Sebastien, but it was a possibility. "If this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled," he spoke to Marcel as I can imagine that he was ugly as. 

"For you..." Marcel spoke, his voice wasn't distorted as he inhales sharply. "All for you..." He was loyal right to the end.

"What did you do with it, Marcel? Where is the pike?" Sebastien asks, as he wanted the pike so no one would use it on him.

"The Argents... The Argents..." Marcel spoke back, his heart beat slowing down, death was finally catching up with him.

"The cane," Scott states, making me snap back into the room, my eyes going to him. 

"But they took it. They took the cane," Liam added to the mix. The pike was melted down and turned into an cane. How ironic... 

"We need that cane," I spoke to the group as Scott and Liam turn to face me. "Lucky for us. I spelled the pike all those years ago," I state to them as their eyes widen slightly at this comment.  

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