Chapter Fifteen: Hellhound

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After I left Scott on his own, Theo had gone and talked to him because he needed someone else to talk too

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After I left Scott on his own, Theo had gone and talked to him because he needed someone else to talk too. I helped Melissa get Hayden comfy as we were waiting for the cleanse of her blood, but we had no idea if it was working.

"We need help, and I don't mean restraints or chains," I hear Theo's voice, making me stop in position. I take my coloured hair and place it behind my ear. "I mean Malia, Stiles, Lydia, Alice. You need your pack, Scott," Theo states to Scott.

"I'm not so sure I have one anymore," Scott replied, his voice broken, making me feel sorry for him.

"Let me talk to them," Theo offers to Scott, wanting to offer his help to him. "Let me see what I can do. Ok?" He finished off. I hear him stand from the seat, and head to the door.

"Theo," Scott spoke softly, as I hear Theo's heavy footsteps come to a stop. "Thank you," Scott's voice was so genuine and meaningful. The bell of the front door rings out, and Theo walks. I sigh deeply, as this was going to be hard for us all. Sometimes life can be hard and there's nothing you can do about but solider on. Scott has been soldiering on since he was turned into a Werewolf. And it wasn't going to stop now...

I came back to the room to see Melissa look over Hayden, her gaze fearful for Hayden's life, she wasn't going to make it and we both know it. Melissa's gaze met mine, I gave her a small smile, as I know what she was currently thinking. I came around the table, to stand next to Melissa, I latched my hand onto Hayden's, holding a firm grip.

"Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala," I chant, the spell taking immediate effect, easing her pain and suffering as the expression on Hayden's face faded.

"What did you do?" Melissa asks, making me take my eyes to her for a moment to see her cock an eyebrow up at me.

"Eased her pain," I replied softly, my gaze returning back to Hayden, as she relaxes and looked pained free. The pain will be back shortly, but it was all I could offer her. I let my grip go and my hand fell from hers gentle. Suddenly, my phone began to ring making me grab it from my back jean pocket, and pulled it to my eye sight. I see Lydia's ID calling, and I answered pressing the phone to my ear.

"Alice, do you have a book on Myths of the Wild Hunt?" Lydia spoke down the line, not letting me get a chance to say 'Hey'.

"Yeah. I have one at my house. Why?" I questioned through the phone.

"No time to explain. Get the book and meet me at the School library," Lydia gave me an order but she put down the phone before I could get a chance to agree with her.

I took my gaze to Melissa who had listened in to the call. "I have to go. Tell Scott I left and text if there's any changes," I told her as she gives me a firm nod, before I pushed off from my legs and into vamp-sped, going to my car within seconds. I didn't waste anytime in starting the car up and off I went, the sound of tires screeching before they went smooth as I drove...

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