Chapter Twenty-Six: Ley-Lines

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Stiles and I turned a corner and walked the hallway for a few meters, then turned another corner. And now we were met with a metal gate with a card reader this time, Stiles uses the key-card, and the door beeps, allowing us entry. Stiles rushes inside the hallway, the left hand-side filled with cells. The first one was open and Stiles dashes in and I followed behind, as we enter we see Lydia tied to the bed, the smell of her blood came rushing to my nostrils. Blood stained the pillow she was laying on and by the looks where it was coming from, a hole was drilled into the side of her head.

"Alice, Stiles," Lydia spoke weakly, her gaze on us. She didn't look well, her forehead dripped with sweat. Stiles quickly came forward, kneeling beside the bed. "You can't be here," her eyes flickered to Stiles and I. But I came forward and knelt beside Stiles as I look at her resistant's. "You're going to die if you stay," she warned us. "All of you," she went on, making my heart break seeing her in this state, it was awful.

"We can't leave you here, Lydia," I told her sternly, as Stiles and I swapped places, my hand laid on her head trying to comfort her. Stiles on the other hand was unbuckling her from the bed.

"He's coming," Lydia states, but we knew it was Valack coming back to see how she was doing.

"Lydia, we're not leaving you here," Stiles states also in a firm tone.

"You have to," Lydia's eyes flickered between Stiles and I. Suddenly an alarm beeped, alerting us to someone that was coming this way.

"Stiles, Alice, go," Lydia states making us turn our gazes to her, but she looked desperate for us to leave. "Please," she pushes on knowing that she wanted us gone before we got hurt. Stiles nod before standing us as I followed him, I shut the door behind us so they wouldn't be alerted to knowing someone had been inside with Lydia. We went through the gate we came through and shut that, before hiding around the corner, to hear the beep of the gate at the other-end of the hallway. Stiles and I peep around the corner to see Valack use his key-card to enter Lydia's cell. This wasn't good...

"Stay focused, Lydia," I hear Valack state, as we wasn't fair from the room, we could hear everything. I heard more than Stiles, I heard the blood pulsing from the hole at the side of her head.

"What did you do to me?" Lydia asked Valack.

"I've amplified your abilities. Something that might just save the lives of your friends," Valack responded to Lydia's question, making me sick to the bone.

"Theo and Hayden. They found it. They were looking for Noah, but they found a symbol. A circle inside of another circle, carved into a wall. The symbol of Scott's pack," Lydia states the information to Valack.

"It was more than a symbol, wasn't it? It was a promise to reunite them," Valack asks wanting to know what Lydia does.

"Yes," she replied to Valack.

"But has Scott done it yet? Will he be coming for you?" Valack asks Lydia, wanting to know this important piece of information.

"Someone's coming," Lydia replied, just as the buzzer blares at the end of the hallway. "But it's not Scott," Lydia went on. My eyes glance down to the end of the hallway to see Theo leading the charge, with his pack behind him. Corey, Noah and Tracy. Valack comes out of Lydia's room to stand face to face with Theo and his pack.

"You don't wanna do this, Theo," Valack began his eyes burning into him. "She's safe in here. The Dread Doctors don't know how important she is yet," Valack told them, but Tracy comes forward and growls while slamming Valack into the wall and grabbing his neck, keeping him there. As Theo, Noah and Corey enter Lydia's room.

"She doesn't look good," Noah states.

"She has a hole in her head. It's not a good look for anyone," Corey counters Noah's comment.

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