Chapter Seventeen: Aftermath

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Melissa had taken Scott home to patch him up as he was hurt still, but he would heal over time. I didn't go with them, I was out looking for Lydia as Theo still had her. I had a sense of where she might be, in the woods of Beacon Hills. I don't know why, but it felt like I was draw to that place. The leafs and the twigs crunch under my feet, as I go deep into the woods. Using my hearing and smell to find any trace of Lydia, but the night was cold and the ground was damp and the smell was heavy.

"Lydia!" I yell into the cold night air, hoping she would hear me and call out. "Lydia!" I shout again, standing still and using my vamp-hearing to find anything. Just then, I hear a crunching sound in the distance, making me cock my gaze around, finding the source. Then I hear it again, but this time it was like something banging onto a hand. With the sound in my ears, I pushed off from my legs and vamp-sped through the woods. I came to a halt to see the back of Parrish, making me frown for a moment. "Parrish?" I ask making him spin around, looking frightened for a moment before he knew who it was.

"Alice? What are you doing here?" Parrish rushes out, he coming a few step forwards to me.

"I'm trying to find Lydia," I spoke back to him, his eyes lighting up like he was also looking for her as well. "You are too. Meaning you know she's dying," my tone was worried as he just agrees with me.

"Let's go find her," Parrish states firmly, before grabbing a flare from his bag and lighting the sucker up, before moving it in front of his eyes. I saw the pool of fire in his eyes, which we still didn't know what he was... He drops the flare to the ground as it still burns, his eyes went back to normal, but he began to walk, and I didn't question it. I just followed...

After a few moments of following Parrish, we both see a body out in the distance, and it was Lydia's. Parrish and I both ran towards her, one kneeling on one side and the other at the other side of her.

"Oh God, Lydia?" I ask as her eyes were open, and she was bleeding. I touched her face with my hand, her body was freezing like hypothermic. Out of the corner of my eye, I see blood flowing from her finger tips, making me pick her hand up to view. One of her finger nails were none existent, and the other bloodied. I followed the smell of blood to a rock to the side, seeing a image carved into it. The image was of a badge, and the only person I know who has a badge like that was the Sheriff.

"We have to get her out of here," Parrish states, making me turn my gaze back to him, giving a firm nod. He places his hands under her and jolts her up into his arms, carrying her bridal style. We made our way back to the car Parrish came in, hoping she would be all right now that we had found her, but her expression was lost and almost held no emotion.

I feared that this wasn't the end of Theo's plan just yet...


Parrish had taken us to Scott's house to see if he was there, as he wasn't picking up any of my calls. Luckily, Parrish found him but also showed him Lydia who still held no emotion and didn't speak a word. We clearly didn't waste anytime in getting to the Hospital to get her help.

Scott barge opens the doors to the Hospital, as Parrish was carrying Lydia, and I was behind them. "Help! Get someone to help me. Quick!" Parrish yells to the woman at the main receptionist, as we rush down the hallway. A bed was rolled down the way just before the corner. "I need help. I've got an eighteen-year-old female, potentially hypothermic," Parrish states to the nursers as he lays Lydia onto the bed as Scott and I rush down to the elevator. Scott calls the elevator and the doors chime open, we both entering, Scott pushing a button. We stood side by side, as Parrish cocked his eyes down to us, giving us a nod, knowing that he would protect Lydia.

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