Chapter Twenty-Nine: Dead Beast

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Marie-Jeanne, Henri and I knew we couldn't just get another hunting party to go out with mistletoe and rowan berries. We needed an advantage over the enemy. So, we came up with a plan, a plan to rule out who was human and who was not.

We stood in the tavern, Marie-Jeanne came forward with two glass bottles of wine, but it was laced with something that Werewolves hated...

"To honour the dead," she began, taking a cap off from one of the bottles. "I expect everyone to drink," she demanded, as she poured the first glass into Marcel's cup, as Sebastien grabbed the other bottle as he began to fill the town's people's cups with the wine. I held my glass out to Marie-Jeanne as she poured me a drink, her eyes staring straight into mine as I gave her a nod of the head. Once Marie-Jeanne and Sebastien had filled everyone's glasses, she filled her own and turned to look at her brother.

"To the dead," he states raising his glass to all of us.

"To the dead," everyone states in unison, raising there glasses into the air, before they took a drink. I swing back the drink and it runs down my throat without a care in the word, though it didn't hurt me, we were on a look out to see who it would hurt. Within moments, Marie-Jeanne and I took our gazes around, but suddenly we hear a glass smash near-by. We glance to see Marcel clutching at the broken glass in his right hand.

"Marcel," Sebastien states in a concerned voice for his friend.

"I have got him," Marie-Jeanne states, putting her glass down and going over to Marcel. I could smell the fresh blood, dripping from his hand. "Come, Marcel. Out to the well," Marie-Jeanne began guiding him to the exit, as the well was just outside. Marcel and Marie-Jeanne leave the tavern behind, as the door closes. I come to the window and looked out, seeing Marie-Jeanne getting clean cold water from the well, pouring it over Marcel's bloody hand. They were taking, I had a listen and he sent her to the cellar to retrieve some bandages. She went off to the side of the tavern, but my eyes stayed focus on Marcel, but he kept on bleeding. If he was a Werewolf, he would have healed by now...

So it isn't him...

Marcel is the one covering for the monster. I took my gaze back to see Marie-Jeanne with her crossbow aimed at Marcel, as he was pleading her to end it, but she noticed the blood droplets still falling and what I had told her as well Henri, it should have healed by now. I quickly wave my hand up and the crossbow went with my action, but the arrow was also released. I turn back around, leaning on the wood, staring at the rows in the tavern. I patted my plain- dirty colour dress down, my eyes scanning, but I came upon Sebastien who was now sat down, his heart beat racing slightly, like he was nervous. I squinted my eyes as I was taking a long shot at this, but as I did his cheek began to be cut open, only a small cut. I could smell the blood run down his cheek, as he was taken back by surprise. But the cut on his cheek healed nearly instantly as it was minor, and he wiped the blood off, leaving nothing there...

My eyes widen in shock as he was the Beast, he was the one who has killed innocent children... I clench my hands into fists as anger boiled inside of me, though I'm not saint but killing innocent children for nothing, just for fun was disgusting and vile. I could feel my knuckles turn white, the blood pulsing through me, as my teeth grit together. Suddenly, the tavern door opens to reveal Marie-Jeanne coming down, her gaze on her brother, but by the expression on her face, she knew who the Beast was too. She made her way steadily over to Sebastien, before sitting down.

"You have killed children," I hear her say, using my vamp-hearing. Her voice broke as she couldn't believe it.

"I kill whatever dares to cross my path," Sebastien states back, knowing that he wasn't going to get away with it now, his sister knew and there was no point in hiding it.

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