Chapter Nine: Book Club

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I stood in Parrish's home, as I watch Lydia and him training

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I stood in Parrish's home, as I watch Lydia and him training. As Lydia wanted to learn how to fight, I had agreed to help out, though I could protect her myself. Parrish was throwing punches at Lydia, and she was blocking them.

"Remember Lydia, arms up," I spoke to her as they both were circling. "This ways you can block attacks to your face and your head while always keeping your eyes on your enemy," I had gave her insight of training.

"Ready?" Parrish had asked, her as she nodded to him. He throws his fist out, but Lydia blocks him, then another, also blocking the attack. Then came the knee attack, she blocked that but Parrish saw the chance to strike her, so he did. Parrish hits Lydia and she felt it, rolling her neck.

"It's all right. You're not going to be perfect after only a few tries," Parrish states to her, as she walks forward, her eyes catching mine as I was next to the punching bag Parrish has.

"I'm ok," Lydia replies, wiping her face from sweat. "Keep going," her eyes landed on Parrish.

"You sure? Maybe we should stop after a few," Parrish states to Lydia, though he's only thinking about her injury.

"Why?" She raises an eyebrow to him, questioning him.

"I don't want you to get your stitches to get un-stitched," Parrish had answered back.

"I think they're fine, because I can't smell any fresh blood," I had said, making both of them turn to look at me. Lydia raising an eyebrow in question, before looking back to Parrish who still wan't convinced. Lydia unzips her hoodie, and pulls down her pants slightly to show Parrish that there was no blood.

"See? No blood," Lydia remarks to him, as she was fine. She sighs before taking her hoodie off, as Parrish did the same. His biceps were popping, as he wore a blue vest, which was kind of attractive... Lydia throws her hoodie onto the couch, as Parrish did the same.

"Ready when you are," Lydia said, before getting into position once again. Parrish throws a punch and she blocks it, then another. Parrish strikes again, but Lydia twirls his arm around to block his attack, and throws a punch but he ducks and twirls her into his embrace and held her hands. Lydia groans for a moment, as she will need time to fight correctly.

"What did you do wrong?" I asked Lydia, coming forward my arms over my chest.

"Ugh, I forgot to keep my arms up," she states back, as I 'hm' her, meaning she was right.

"But don't worry. Your muscles have memory. With enough practice, they'll remember for you," Parrish had said to her. Lydia breaths heavy, as she leans her head back onto Parrish's shoulder. She opens her eyes after a few moments, as their heart beats were picking up.

"What am I witnessing," I mumbled to myself, my gaze going away from them for a moment. Suddenly, Lydia whimpers and comes forward out of Parrish's hold.

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