Chapter Thirty-Two: End This

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The next morning approached, I had gotten changed into some fresh clothes, as the other ones I had on were bloody and worn

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The next morning approached, I had gotten changed into some fresh clothes, as the other ones I had on were bloody and worn. Liam, and I sat on the stools that were in front of the Island that Lydia, Kira, Stiles, and Malia stood around.

"My dad's got an APB out," Stiles began, his eyes casting to everyone.

"For a 5'8, Six-teen-year-old?" Kira asks.

"I recommended nine-foot tall rampaging werewolf," Stiles states in his humour tone.

"It still might not be him," Liam said his tone hopeful, as he didn't want to believe that Mason was the one turning into the Beast and killing all those people. All of us took our gaze to him, giving him a look, knowing that it was him. "But, Hayden's at the school looking," Liam states his gaze on the counter for a moment before looking back up.

"I can keep checking the woods," Malia added her gaze on Stiles.

"My mom can check all the hospitals in the county," Scott's voice rang out making us all cock our gazes to see him enter the kitchen. "We can find him," Scott was positive on finding Mason.

"What happens then?" Liam asks, wanting to know.

"We figure out a way to save him," Scott eyes were on Liam, knowing he would do everything he could to save Mason.

"Where else can we look?" I asked, Scott's eyes met mine for a moment.

"Let's ask Corey," Scott states but I frown at him, before Scott turns and grabs something in-front of the shelve and Corey came visible, making everyone become surprise. But I just sat and watched from my stool.

"Wait. Wait. It's not my fault," Corey stammers out, as Scott had a good grip on his shirt. "They took him and I couldn't do anything. They took him.."

"Who?" Scott asks, cutting Corey off from his rambling.

"The Dread Doctors," he states to us. Someone really does need to kill them...

And I would gladly do the deed...


Time had passed we had all separated to do our own jobs, Scott and Liam went to school. Malia stayed at Scott's house for protection with extra protection from Braeden. Stiles and Lydia was at the station talking to the Sheriff, see if they could find Mason. Parrish and I met up, there was still a bit of daylight left and I needed to see Parrish. I don't know why, but I felt like I needed to talk to him. About? I have no idea, I just wanted to hear his voice.

I arrived at the Police station to see Parrish in the parking lot, leaning against his car, his eyes scanning the area, to see if he could find me. I come forward and his eyes cast over to me, and his face lift up and I heard his heart beat pick up slightly.

"Alice," Parrish's voice filled the air, as I cock my gaze towards him, offering a small smile as I came to a halt.

"Hey Parrish," I state to him, as his hands goes into his pockets, as he looks kind of nervous. But I also felt awkward around him, like since I got my memories back about figuring out he's a Hellhound and what happened at Eichen. Those warm ember eyes...

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