Chapter Twenty: Damnatio Memoriae

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Once Stiles and Scott had joined me down in the tunnel - which they used the ladders to safely get down. We started to explore the tunnel, we got through some metal gates, when Stiles got out the black-light and shined it down to the floor. The swirls of blackness were back, directing us to where we needed to be. It was like a trail of bread crumbs being left. Stiles went further down the tunnel way, leading to a large tunnel like a tube type thing. However, on the floor was some writing, though it wasn't in English.

"What is that?" Scott asks from the left of me, as I was looking over the word. I examine the word as the black-light was hovering over it.

"It's Latin," I announced to the boys, Stiles was wonky with the light, but I could make out the wording. I know Latin, I've learnt Latin in my time, as I got bored one century.

"Hold up that light. I'm gonna get a picture of it," Scott spoke, getting his phone free and his camera up, ready to take a picture. 'Damnatio Memoriae' the words were on the floor, but I could barely get an eyeful because of Stiles wonky hands.

"Stiles love, hold the light still," I spoke to him, so I could get a good look at it, and Scott could take a picture. Suddenly, Stiles fall in front of us, groaning and holding the back of his neck. Scott and I turn to the left to see Tracy with her claws out, hissing at us as well, before snarling. But she was suppose to be dead as a door nail, she shouldn't be living.

Bitch had some nerve though...

She swings at Scott, attacking him, but he dodges her attacks. Suddenly, another kid comes running down the tunnel way we came, his hands producing electricity.

"Scott, behind you!" Stiles yells, as the kid runs up behind, ready to strike Scott, but not on my watch bitch. The kid swing his claw out to Scott, but he dodges but I quickly shot out my hand to the kid, as he comes to a halt as I was holding him still. Tracy attacks Scott, but he grabs her wrist and uses his strength to plunge her clawed hand into the male teen chest, and twisted her hand. I lowered my hand, as Tracy screams and suddenly went flying back due to the electricity and the kid falls to the ground, laying beside Stiles. I began to pick up an heart-beat that was beating really fast, making me take my gaze to where Scott was all ready staring at, his glowing red eyes present.

"Oculacs," I waved my hand in a half-circle motion out to where we were looking. Just then a shimmer reveal Corey standing there pressed against the pipes, his eyes widen as he didn't want to be reveal yet.

"Ok!" Theo's voice rang out in the tunnel, making Scott and I cock our heads to the tube that was in the tunnel to see Theo step into it and come through. "Maybe they're not ready to take on an Alpha or a Hybrid," Theo states, my gaze on him, but it was darkened and if looks could kill, he would be dead. "Especially one that can smell fear," his gaze was on Corey, who smelled of fear.

"He's got fangs, and she's got magic," Corey stresses out, his gaze flickered between us.

"What did you do?" Scott asked the question, as they shouldn't be alive right now.

"I found some new friends," he began as Tracy and Corey picked up their friend. "I don't take rejection well," Theo steps down from the tube and looks over to Stiles, but I blocked out their greeting as the only thing on my mind was that he took the only thing that meant something to me and crushed it without a second thought. Just then, he sees the black-light shining on the words, and he lifts his leg up and forces it down, his heel hits the ground with his strength which cracks the ground. But anger and hatred filled my veins, my eyes narrowed at Theo as his eyes landed on me. "See that you haven't lose your touch," he remarks in a smug tone and gives me a look...

But that look does it...

But that look does it

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