Chapter Thirteen: Parrish

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Darkness is inside everyone, some more than others. But with the right amount of pressure, grief, or fear. Anyone can give into that darkness. Either it's killing someone to protect one of your love ones or something that you might not be proud of. Alice has had her fair share of darkness in her life, she's done things that she's ashamed of. She's hurt people closest to her and it killed her afterwards. But the darkness inside of her was her vampire-side, the one that with too much grief could switch off her humanity, allowing the darkness to roam free and be the worse parts of herself.

But her darkness should always been locked up...


I began to wake from my slumber, my eyes began to open to the light from the sun. The birds chipping away, and the rustling of the tree, swaying in the breeze. I groan in pain as my neck was hurting, I slowly began to sit up, twirling my neck out. I look around my surroundings and my heart had dropped...

I was sat on the top of the Nemeton, bodies were scattered along its roots. I put my hand over my mouth as I realisation had dawned upon me. Parrish is the one talking the bodies of the Chimeras, but why... I slowly got to my feet, standing on top of the Nemeton, my eyes cast around to look at the bodies on the ground.

"Alice?!" A voice called out to me, making me spin around and look through the tree line to see Lydia and Parrish, staring at me. With one quick push off my legs, I vamp-sped across the treeline and to the side of Lydia in a flash of an eye. "Oh thank God," Lydia states, thrilled to see me. She quickly embraces me, and holds on tight. "We've been looking for you," she pulls back to stare at me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I've been dead on top of that tree stump," I retorted to her, before cocking my gaze to Parrish. "Thanks to him," I pointed at Parrish as he looked confused. "You're the one who snapped my neck, and must have placed me here," I spoke kind of harshly to him, and after that kiss. Who could ever forget that, probably him...

"I didn't snap your neck," Parrish replied, his expression kind of shocked to hear this as he would have never thought of hurting me. But I don't think he meant it in an malicious way...

"It doesn't matter. I'm fine, so it's good," I replied to him, offering a smile small before my gaze locked back to Lydia. "How long have I've been gone?" I questioned her.

"Just the night and half the day. We found Hayden and Liam, they're safe," Lydia replied. To be fair, I had forgotten about Liam and Hayden. But that didn't make any sense, I would have been awake in a few hours, because I'm older and being dead shouldn't keep me down long. But out of the corner of my eye, I see Parrish cock his gaze to the Nemeton to see the bodies. He had no clue, he was the one who was taking the bodies. Without warning, Parrish brushes pass me and began walking, making Lydia and I walk with him.

"I need to call it in," he began, rushing forward in front of us. "No, I need to turn myself in," he corrected himself, making Lydia and I match his pace, as I was in the middle of them.

"Not a good idea, love," I told Parrish, as he wasn't thinking straight.

"You just told me I'm the one taking the bodies. I've attacked other law enforcement officers. That's a criminal offence," Parrish states as his eyes flickered between us. "I shouldn't even be near you both," Lydia and I cocked our gazes to him, like he was silly to think such thing.

"I'm not afraid of you," Lydia replied straight off.

"Neither am I," I said to Parrish, my tone truthful.

"I'm afraid of me," Parrish rushes out as we continued to walk, never losing our pace with him.

"Whatever's happening, seems to only happen when there's a body. Other than that... You're still a pretty nice guy," Lydia tried to comfort him, as he wasn't a bad guy, it was the creature within.

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