Chapter Five: Foundation Rattled

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Not even ten minutes passed and I had gained more moment in myself, as this toxin were being replaced by my healing factor. I crawled up, using the table as support. I latch my hands on top and pulled myself up and stood to my feet. But I felt like a baby deer, standing on their feet for the first time.

"God, I hate this," I had state annoyed holding onto the table for support. Just then, another hand had clamped on the other side and I see Scott's hair pop up. Suddenly, Theo came in and helped Scott to his feet, putting him on the table.

"How did you find us?" Scott asks Theo as I took my gaze to his.

"'Cause you work here. I heard about Tracy, I've been looking for you," Theo replied back, as he goes over to Stiles and halts him up and places him to the table so it could be his support.

"But we lost her," I had added. Theo's eyes met mine for a brief moment.

"And Malia," Stiles added as Theo's gaze flickered between us all.

"I can help," he states strongly, before noticing Deaton, then he helps him up and places him at the end of the table. I see Deaton frown as he looks at Theo, not knowing who he truly was, well not in person until now.

"This is Theo?" Deaton asks Scott.

"Let me help," Theo had continued as he was willing to help and I think he wanted to prove himself to Scott. "It doesn't have to mean I'm part of the pack. Or like you've accepted me or anything like that. It just means I can help catch this girl," Theo spoke, his eyes shifting to us all. Scott's gaze hand went to his friends for an answer but we couldn't give it him, we only exchanged looks, knowing that we needed Theo's help. "Scott. I can help you," he added, but my mind had gone somewhere else. Like a feeling had washed over me, but it was dark and cold.

"Alice," to my surprise, Lydia's voice had echoed through my head, but it was only soft like she had whispered my name and not in a good way.

"Something's wrong," I had spoken out, everyone's eyes came to meet mine. "I have a very bad feeling that something happened to Lydia," my tone was worried as feeling like this shouldn't be swept under the rug.

"What do you mean?" Deaton had asked, as I began to straighten myself up, gaining my balance back once again.

"Like Death's hand had just touched me," I had spoke my eyes connecting to theirs. But I didn't waste anytime standing around, I pushed off from my legs and went into vamp-run, catching Malia's scent on the way...


I had arrived at the Police station, as I walked in through the side-door, to be met with heavy mixture of different blood. My stare went to the pool of blood that had been dragged along the floor and I see the Sheriff on the floor, paralysed. But I came forward and came to the side of him.

"Sheriff, are you ok?" I had asked, worried as he nods his head, as the toxins were still inside of him.

"Alice?!" Kira's voice boomed, her tone distressed. It sounded like she was right at the side of me, but it came from the Sheriff's office. I stood back up and ran over to the door-way to see Lydia on her side, blooding pouring from her wound on her right side.

"Oh God! Lydia," I rushed forward coming to kneel down at her head. Kira's hands were stained with blood, but I pushed passed the blood lust and focused on my friend. I couldn't risk using my blood on her, after Scott's dad nearly dying. I had to keep an eye on him just in case he died and came back. "Kira, let's see," I had nodded to her, as she lifts her hands up from the wound as blood spurted out. I quickly lean forward and place my hands onto the wound, putting pressure onto it.

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