Chapter Three: Date

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I stood in the Sheriff's office with Stiles and Scott. The Sheriff had a date with a woman, but we had no idea who it was. Though I could easily find out, but I kept with his privacy. I wore some simple high-waist dark blue jeans, with some black boot-heels, only a few inches tall. I also wore a simple black crop-top that only show a bit of skin.

"Oh, I should've got a haircut," the Sheriff states, holding a mirror out in front of him as he examines his hair and also messing with it, trying to sort it out.

"Well, you know someone your age should be happy you still have hair to cut," Stiles had announced, coming in front of his dad. I bite my bottom lip as I held back a smirk, my arms cross over my chest.

"I think you look great," Scott had said as he looked at the Sheriff as he was dashing in his outfit.

"Well, thank you, son I should have had," Sheriff replied as his gaze was on Scott, as he smiles.

"Ooo, burn," I had leaned into Stiles and whispered into his ear, chuckling to myself.

"Oh, what the hell am I doing? This is a terrible idea," the Sheriff replies as he began to undo his tie as he thought this idea was stupid.

"What, dad... Dad, it's one date, ok?" Stiles said as he redo's his Father tie. "The town of Beacon Hills won't implode while you're out with one woman... Or man," I let out a laugh as Stiles's father took his gaze to me.

"It's a woman, Stiles. Ok." his gaze went back to his son. "A very beautiful woman," he had went on.

"What beautiful woman, by the way?" Stiles had asked, he was eager to know what woman he was going to go on a date with.

"None of your business. Either one of you," The Sheriff took his gaze to the three of us, before smiling at us.

"I want to know," Stiles states as he was dead serious, before his gaze from his Father then came to look at me. "Alice, pray it out of him," Stiles was dead serious as I cock my eyebrow up at him, questioning his method of information gathering.

"I am not sieving through your father's mind to find out the name of the woman," I retorted back at Stiles as it was a piety waste of my magic, and I don't work like that. He looks defeated for a moment before looking back at his father and began to tidy himself up.

"Stilinski!" A voice had boomed throughout the station, making us all turn our heads to the door to the office. "Stilinski!" The male voice boomed once again, as his tone was angry. The Sheriff made his way out of his officer with Scott, Stiles, and I hot on his tail. We all come out side and we stood behind the Sheriff as we look at a young lad.

"I'm going to kill you," the lad had said, his tone truthful. But the Sheriff wasn't having it and took no notice of his comment.

"Donovan, if you think that shocks me, remember it was well-documented in your Anger Expression Inventory. Deputies, escort the prisoner out," Sheriff Stilinski states to Parrish and a woman deputy started to push him away.

"I'm not angry like I'm gonna throw a brick through your window. I'm angry, like I'm going to find you, I'm going to get a knife and I'm going to stab you with it until you're dead," Donovan had said as his tone was dark and meaningful. "And when you look at me and you ask me why, remember right now. Because this is way," Donovan had finished off as I stare at him with surprise on my face, as he just threatened the Sheriff which was a dumb move.

"Wow, that was awesome," Stiles states after a moment of intense silence, but we all took our gazes to Stiles. "That was awesome. That was great. Do one more? Give us another one, maybe like Christopher Walken this time, you know," Stiles had asked, making me pitch the bridge of my nose as this would only anger Donovan. "Ok, you know what? It's fine. You have plenty of time to work on it when you're in your tiny, little cell, you know. Just stuck there, forever," Stiles finished his comments to Donovan.

Donovan nods to Stiles and gives a little smile before turning away slightly. But then, shot back around trying to get himself to him but Parrish and the woman kept a grip on him. Scott and the Sheriff put their hands on Stiles in a protective way. As my gaze lingered on Donovan who's expression was full of rage. I squinted my eyes at him, and suddenly he stops forcing his way, and began to squeeze his eyes shut like he was getting a headache.

"Get him out of here!" Sheriff raises his voice to his deputies as my stare on Donovan continued as they pushed him back as he didn't struggle. Once he was out of the door, my gaze on him broke and broke the connection. I blink as I look at Stiles and the Sheriff.

"What's the hell's an Anger Expression Inventory?" Scott had asked out of reason and wanting to know.

"It's a test you take when you're applying to become a deputy," Stiles had spoke to Scott.

"That guy wanted to be a cop?" Scott had raised his hand to the door, as he couldn't believe it.

"At least now he's getting the full law enforcement experience," Stiles replied as he was right about that but still, Donovan shouldn't have threatened the Sheriff and Stiles made it more worse...

For our sake, we hope he stays in prison...


I leaned against the hood of the jeep as Stiles and Scott were inside, talking to one another, as the jeeps wouldn't start. I held my phone in my hand, as I scroll through my phone book. I got to Derek's name, but I just looked at it, my index finger hovering over his name. I couldn't call him as much as I wanted too. The night we spent together, I shamelessly left, and not on good terms. I shouldn't have left without talking to him some more, but I still wasn't sure of myself about this 'thing' I had with him, because I haven't felt anything like this in centuries and I was scared about the future...

Suddenly, the engine roared to life making me turn my gaze to look at the boys who were looking at me. "Come on. There's been a crash," Stiles had sound aloud, making me nod my head firmly at them, before vamp-speeding around the side and into the car. The boys didn't question it and Stiles put his foot down, as we made our way downtown...

We arrived at the crime scene, flashing lights came into view as we walked down the roar way. As I see Malia, Kira and Lydia talking to Parrish, giving him their statement. Stiles and Scott went to the Sheriff, as I came to the side of Lydia, my eyes glancing between Kira and Malia.

"Are you guys all right?" I ask, my voice full of concern as my eyes went over my friends. They all nod together knowing that they wasn't hurt. My eyes turned to Parrish as his own eyes were on me. I gave him a soft smile, as he smiles back at me.

"Can I have a word, Alice?" Parrish had asked as I nodded as he walks further up as I followed him. Before we came to a stop just before the barricades. "I just wanted to say thank you for allowing Lydia to have those books of yours," Parrish replied softly to me as he was really grateful.

"You're welcome. I just figured that if we can find out what you are, it will be in one of my books," I smiled to him as he nods as he really wanted to find out what he was. "I hope we do find out what you are," I went on my eyes locked with him as I offered a warm smile. Before he could reply, the Sheriff shouts us over and we made pace as we didn't want to wait. After a few moments we stood around, and suddenly Parrish's radio crackled like a message was about to income.

"Scott, is that you?" Parrish asks, holding down the button before letting go.

"Yeah, I found Donovan," His voice came through the speaker as Parrish pulled it from his shoulder and held it out for us all to hear. "He's completely freaked out. He keeps saying some name," Scott went on as the Sheriff takes the radio into his hands.

"What name?" Stilinski had asked wanting to know who's name he was saying as it could be the one who caused this.

"Theo," Stiles had whispered as he wanted to make some sort of connection with this, as he's so determined that he was a bad guy.

"Tracy. He keeps saying Tracy," Scott had said, and it wasn't the name Stiles was hoping for.

"Tracy who?" the Sheriff went on as he didn't know this individual.

"Stewart," Lydia's voice had piped up, making me look at her as she was across from me. "Tracy Stewart," Lydia's eyes flicked between Parrish and I. She was running around and attacking people, but what for. It made no sense, yet again we are in Beacon Hills, hardly anything makes sense anymore...

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