Chapter Twelve: Pools of Fire

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I groan awake, my eyes adjusting to the new light around me. I blink a few times, as a cramp was in my neck. Luckily, I know the familiar surroundings, and that hideous brown colour on the walls...

"She's waking up," I hear Theo states, as he comes over and hover into my eye sight, same with Stiles and Malia.

"Alice? Are you all right?" Stiles asks, leaning down and pulling me up to sit right as Theo helped as well. "You had no plus," he stresses out, still caring about me.

"I had my neck snapped, Stiles. And by the sun-light, I say I was out for a bit," I replied snappily, as I place a hand to the back of my neck and rubbed it, while twirling it. "What have I missed?" I asked, my gaze on Stiles.

Stiles looks down to his hands, messing with his finger tips. "They took Liam and Hayden," his voice was gentle as he spoke. "Kira's been arrested for murder, and there's a new Chimera. He's called Corey and he's upstairs," Stiles was giving me too much information to process. Questions ran through my mind, but the main ones were. Why didn't they take me? How the hell did the pass through my boundary spell?

"I imagine Scott is doing everything he can?" I replied, my gaze on Stiles as he nodded his head. I ran my hands through my hair, as this couldn't get any worse, but I had a feeling it could... Suddenly, the back door in the kitchen, swings open, making me cock my head up to see Scott coming in.

"Hey, is Kira ok?" Stiles asks, as Scott came closer, but he didn't reply to Stiles, he just walk pass us. I frowned, my eyebrows kitting together as something was wrong with him.

"Scott?" Theo asks, his voice concerned. Scott footsteps go up the stairs, and made his way to his room. I push myself to stand, but fell due to being weak. Luckily, Theo had caught me in his hands, as I smile at him.

"No, Scott, don't!" I hear Lydia raise her voice to Scott, but also the smell of blood entered my nostrils, making me cock my gaze to the stairs. We all didn't waste anytime and rushed up the stairs, heading straight for Scott's room. As we came to the door way, we see Scott next to Corey, using his claws to tap into his memories.

"Don't get too close," Lydia states, not turning to face us. Scott must be desperate to do this...

"What is he doing?" Theo asks, not knowing what Scott was doing to Corey, as he hadn't witness this before.

"He's tapping into Corey's memories," I began, as his gaze met mine. "It's what Alphas can do," I went on to explain to Theo as my gaze cocked back to watch Scott. Theo walks forward, getting a better look at this ability.

"Is it as dangerous as it looks?" Theo questions.

"Probably more," Stiles added to the mix.

"Does anyone know if it's working?" Mason's voice came to ear as we just stare at Scott and Corey, their faces scrunching up. Within moments, we were just waiting to see what was gonna happen. Just then, Scott gasps and pulls his claws from the back of Corey's neck. He stumbles backwards, nearly tripping over. Stiles and Theo was on it, grabbing him to keep him balanced.

"Is he ok?" Scott asks, on about Corey.

"What the hell did you do to me?" Corey asks shocked his gaze on Scott.

"You'll be all right," Scott replied back to him. I see Corey touch the back of his neck, and blood strained onto his fingers.

"There's blood," Corey went on, being a bit of a drama queen right now.

"You'll heal," Scott retorted.


"He'll be fine!" Scott yells at us, cutting Stiles off. "Listen... I think it worked. I saw something. There were tunnels. Pipes along the walls. There were these two huge blue pipes at the entrance. Two on both sides," Scott rushes out as he draws a diagram on a notepad he had grabbed.

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