Chapter Eight: Valack

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We pass the cells, they held different creatures but they were in here for a reason, maybe for their protection, or because they did something bad... We had came to the end of the hallway, and stood in front of Valack's cell, standing between Lydia and Stiles. Valack's head rose to look at us, but to Stiles.

"Tell me what you just saw," Valack states his eyes burning into Stiles, waiting for him to reply.

"Me?" He states shocked.

"The creature in the previous cell. The Sluagh. The myth is that they can take on the appearance of the lost souls that have become inextricably bound to it..." Valack began, his eyes just on Stiles, making Lydia and I cock our gaze to Stiles. "Happen to see any lost souls, Mr. Stilinski?"

"Everyone down here," Stiles replies after a moment, as it was near enough the truth.

"Don't give up on us yet. We're all works-in-progress," Valack states, making us think where he heard that saying from.

"Where did you hear that from?" Lydia had beat me to the question.

"Wise words from a former cellmate," Valack states before raising from the fall to his feet, and comes forward to the glass cell. "Did you bring the book?" He asks us, as Stiles goes to pull it out from his jean strap from his back, revealing the book and holding it out to the glass cell.

"Very nice. First edition," Valack said, before Stiles drops the book from his gaze. "Of course, there was only one printing," his gaze flickered between the three of us.

"There's no T.R. McCammon, is there?" I had piped up, my gaze on Valack.

"No," he responded, as gives us a smirk.

"You wrote the book," Lydia added to the conversation, his gaze now was only on her.

"That's right, Lydia... Maybe you've already guessed it's not just a book," Valack went on, as I suppose it wasn't just a book, it was something else.

"What is it?" I had interjected, his gaze slowly turning to look at me.

"A tool. Designed to open your eyes," Valack retorted.

"To what?" Stiles ask, but we could phantom a guess to what or to who.

"To them... The Dread Doctors," Valack states dramatically, making me roll my eyes at him.

"I'm hardly afraid of some Doctors," I had state, my voice confident though death was still possible, I didn't fear it.

"You should, Miss. Harper," Valack's voice was serious and meaningful. But I wouldn't fear them, until I was face to face to them...

"Why did you use a pseudonym?" Lydia asks, walking a few steps forward to the glass, as she went back to the topic at hand.

"I had a professional reputation once. I wasn't interested in ruining it by putting my name on a second-rate piece of trash," Valack replied to Lydia's question, he must hate that book then.

"Then why write the book in the first place?" Stiles had counted him.

"You haven't read it yet, have you?" He states, but Stiles remain quite and look down, as he had all ready gave him the answer. "I wrote it because no one believe me... Because no one listened," It sounded like Valack was trying to get the truth out in anyway possible. I see Stiles cock his eyes to me, just for a moment. "They're here, aren't they? In Beacon Hills," he was referring to the Dread Doctors.

"What are they? Clearly not supernatural," I had state strongly to Valack, his eyes landed upon me.

"Not entirely human. At least, not anymore. They were scientists once. Scientists who worshipped the supernatural. Tesla said, 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.' They found their secrets in electromagnetic forces. Ways to prolong their lives, give them power, and most importantly, making you forget you ever saw them," Valack finishes off, as we were all intrigued with this.

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