Chapter Eleven: Mission Failed

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The next day approached, after the hospital, Scott was called to the Vet Clinic as Stiles and Theo had news

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The next day approached, after the hospital, Scott was called to the Vet Clinic as Stiles and Theo had news. Also Scott had told me that there was another Chimera, that what we were calling them now. Her name was Hayden and Liam knew her and Scott had a plan to protect her. Which involved the High School, as they were on telluric currents. Lydia had an idea how to keep the Dread Doctors away which was to disrupt their frequency. So, Parrish had took three cell phone jammers from the station and he thinks he can broaden their range of frequency.

It might work, it might not, but it's all we had...

Stiles and Theo were on their own mission, to find out who was taking the bodies of the Chimera's that die by the hands of the Dread Doctors because they are failures. But what was their overall goal?

I stood in the middle of Lydia and Parrish, as Malia was at the left side of Parrish, just as he opens up the boot of his truck. Malia goes forward and grabs one of the jammers. "We're betting our lives on these?" She asks, not really sure that they were going to work.

"I think we're betting Hayden's life on them," Lydia replied back to Malia's question.

"Yeah, well, I'm glad I brought my gun," Parrish states as he leans forward and grabs a jammer, before handing it to Lydia, before Malia handed her's to him, and she got the last one.

"And I'm glad I fed on a blood-bag," I said aloud, shutting the boot of the truck for Parrish.

We all went our separate ways, Lydia and Malia placing their jammers in places where they were told. I stood now in the boys locker room, as Parrish places the last Jammer in here, and Scott comes in with a duffel bag. I see Hayden and Liam push a rack over the door, to stop anyone from entering. I walk to the bench which held the duffel bag, sitting beside it, as my gaze looked up to Scott who's eyes were on me.

"Want me to put up a boundary spell on the room?" I state to Scott, as he wasn't sure if this would be enough to protect Hayden, but adding magic into the mix, it might save her.

"Yes," Scott replied after a moment, considering the effects. I smile softly to him, as I stood up from the bench, and came to the middle of the room.

I took a deep breath through my mouth and exhaled through my nose. "Phasmatos veras nos ex malom, et vasa quisa, exu quisa," I chant, my voice soaring through the room, as I felt my magic working, I could feel the room being sealed off. But that means no one can enter, and the spell allows the people in the room free range, meaning they can come in and out as they please...

But boundary spells are tricky, and this one comes with a price...


Sometime had passed, and we couldn't use our phones to see if Stiles and Theo were ok. I lean against the lockers, as Lydia was on the edge of the bench, hunched over as there was nothing to do but wait. Just then, I hear metal chains clanging together, making me jolt my head to the left to see Liam holding the chains, his gaze on Scott.

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