Chapter Thirty-Three: Chase

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In the distance we see a wooden shack, hiding among the grown tress that covered it. As we draw closer too it, Liam rushes forward and was about to open the door, but Scott quickly grabs his shoulder, stopping his movement.

"Listen," he states, as we all began to listen in. A steady heart-beat came to our ears, we know it was Mason and he was alive.

"It's him," Liam states, his hand grabbed the wooden door and he opened it and rushes in-side, and I was on his tail as Scott and Theo were behind. We went down some stone steps that went on a small platform and more stairs went down.

"Mason?!" Liam whisper-yells, to see if he could get a response from him. As we came down the stairs and turned a corner, we see Mason on the floor, a device stuck into his nape. All of us rush forward to make sure he was all right, but the device that was connected to Mason, was connected to someone else in a tube, filled with green liquid. 

"It's connected to him," Scott said, noticing that. I came forward and crouched down to the level of Mason, my eyes scanning the device on his nape. 

"What is this thing?" Liam asks, frightened for his friend safety. 

"I have no idea," I told Liam the truth, as my hand hovered over the device, seeing if it could be removed or if it would hurt him. 

"Liam, I can feel it," Mason began as he began gasping and weeping. "It's in my skull," Mason was in pain, he was scared for his life. My hand dropped back to my side.

"Don't move," Liam warns Mason not to move.

"Careful," Scott told Liam, as not to do anything major that would hurt Mason.

"What are they doing to him?" Liam asks Theo as he knew more about the Dread Doctors than anyone of us.

"I don't know," Theo replied to Liam.

"Focus guys," I told them, this wasn't the time too pick a fight.  

"Mason, we're gonna get you out of here," Scott told Mason, making him feel a bit more comfortable. Scott's eyes went to Liam. "Hold him still," Liam nods and holds Mason's shoulders. Scott moved his hand closer to the device.

"I'm going to try to pull it out... Let me know if it hurts," Scott states to Mason and he nods. Scott hand gripped the device firmly, and he began to pull ever so gently. Suddenly, Mason began to scream in pain.

"It hurts!" Mason groans loudly, but his breathing began to steady once again. "It definitely hurts," he told us.

"I barely moved it," Scott states his eyes cocking between us. Just then, clicking sounds came to my ears, making me cock my gaze behind Theo to see the head Doctor standing there. Theo slowly began to turn around, until he was met with the Doctor. Scott and I slowly began to raise from our crouching positions, as we edged closer to Theo. 

"They wanted us here," Theo states, as our heads whipped around to see another one of the Dread Doctors appear out of thin air. 

"Liam, try to get that thing out of Mason's neck," Scott said to Liam, but then a clanking sound came to ear, as a cane of sorts was slamming onto the ground as the head Doctor known as the Surgeon came.

"Theo..." he began, his voice distorted. "Theo Raeken," the Surgeon came into our view.

"He's coming with us," Theo was strong with his comment.

"Failure... Theo Raeken," the Surgeon went on to say, making me bite my lip from smirking...

"I'm not a failure," Theo shot back, to him he wasn't a failure, he was just misunderstood. God, now I'm defending him... 

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