Chapter Fourteen: Bye Pack

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After I had gotten a steamy quick shower, I had thrown what I had picked from my closest

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After I had gotten a steamy quick shower, I had thrown what I had picked from my closest. The rain poured from the heavens, and it wasn't little drops, it was like bomb drops, you'll get wet within seconds of standing it in. Luckily, I had a plain black umbrella at hand. The rain poured onto the umbrella, and it did it's job and protected me from the rain. But the amount that fell from above, it trickled off the material and down to the ground, as I rushed over to my BMW. Which I still hasn't sent back, but it was my only means of transport.

I had entered the car, putting my umbrella down, and got inside, placing it on the passenger seat as the sound of rain hit the window scree, making the sweet sound rain does. I started the engine and it roared to life, before I backed out of my drive-way and made my way to the clinic.


I parked in front of the clinic as the space was free, plus the rain was still throwing it down. I didn't waste anytime and got out of the car, putting up my umbrella and the rain had hit it once again, and making it wet again. I walk up the path, my hearing picked up on the rain drops bouncing off the pavement.

"Yeah, well, I can't do what you can, Scott," Stiles voice rang out in my ear, making me come to a halt, his voice raised in anger. "I know you wouldn't have done it. You probably would've just figured something out, right?" Stiles stresses out, but I quickly push off from my legs and went round the side of the building, coming to the back entrance to see Scott and Stiles, the air around them was full of tension. But I was invisible to them, as I couldn't intervene, friends fight and sadly this was there's.

"I'd try," Scott had spoke back to Stiles, his voice soft. I see Stiles handling a rench, which had dried blood on it, making me frown.

"Yeah, because you're Scott McCall! You're the true Alpha!" Stiles raises his voice, angry. It was a new side of Stiles I haven't seen before. "Guess what? All of us can't be True Alphas. Some of us have to make mistakes. Some of us have to get our hands a little bloody sometimes. Some of us are human!" Stiles voice was off on it's own, but watching them broke my heart. Rain poured off of them both, just dripping to the ground as they both were soaked.

"So, you had to kill him?" Scott answered back, his eyes on Stiles.

"Scott, he was going to kill my Dad," Stiles replied back with a forceful tone. Though killing someone can darken your heart, but Stiles's heart was in the right place, he was protecting his Father.

"But the way that it happened... There's a point where it's... It's not self-defense anymore!" Scott argued his point across to Stiles.

"What are you even talking about?" Stiles raised his voice once again at Scott, as he had no idea what he was talking about. "I didn't have a choice, Scott!" Stiles stares at Scott for a moment, his eyes burning deep within his. "You don't even believe me, do you?"

"I want to," Scott replied, but his eyes couldn't keep contact with Stiles for long, as he couldn't look at him.

"Ok, all right, so... So, believe me then," Stiles pleaded with him, but Scott couldn't keep eye contact for long. "Scott, say you believe me," I couldn't watch this any longer, it was tearing me up inside. I might not know the full story, but Stiles wouldn't have killed someone if there was another way.

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