Chapter Eighteen: Saved Sheriff

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I kept my promise to Stiles, and kept his Father breathing, and I now know what was in his system. It was some kind of toxin, poisoning him from within and it was spreading through his body, making marks appear on his skin. But I couldn't do much too protect him as I had no way to get the toxins out. If I use my blood to try and heal him, the process could speed up and kill him quicker...

I stand by his bed-side, the monitors beeping away as oxygen mask over his nose and mouth. I place my hand onto his, giving a faint smile to the Sheriff as the texture on his neck, began to move further up to his face.

"Hang in there, Sheriff," I spoke softly, encouraging him, hoping he would hear me. But then an idea dawned upon me, as I closed my eyes and began to focus. I was entering the Sheriff's mind, and I would be able to talk to him.

I snap open my eyes, to find myself standing in front of the desk of the Sheriff's office. The Sheriff in front of me, sat at his desk, reading over some reports that were stacked wearing of course his uniform.

"Sheriff?" I ask carefully, his head shooting up from his papers. His eyes locking onto me, as he takes his gaze around the office.

"Alice, what are you doing here?" He asks, making me emit a small smile to him before taking a few steps forward, closer to the desk. As he stood from his chair, taking a swift look around knowing something was off. "Am I dreaming?" He went on, his eyes met mine after a moment.

"If you wanna call it that," I spoke softly to him, my eyes soft. "I just wanted to make sure you're all right," I went on his eyes searching my face, as he knows that something was wrong, he wasn't blind and I couldn't do much.

"How bad?" He asks swiftly, knowing that I wouldn't lie to him about this.

"You're being poisoned, by something and it's spreading throughout your system," I began my eyes looked away from him for a split-second. "And we can't stop it... I can't stop it," my voice was disappointed, tears threatening my eyes as this wasn't good.

"How long?" He asks, as I offered a small smile to him as he knows he might not make it through this.

"Honestly, I have no idea," I spoke the truth to him as he nods to me. "But they are out there looking for a cure," I tried to encourage that there was still hope. Hope that he would pull through this, death wasn't going to take another person I cared about.

"Tell Stiles-,"

"No," I cut the Sheriff off abruptly, before he could talk anymore. "Don't make me the messenger of your last word because they are not,"as I wasn't going to deliver his death message. "I have hope that you're going to pull through this," I cried out to him as I was making my point.

"Stiles did say you were stubborn," The Sheriff retorted back at me, offering a small smirk. I was surprised at his comment as I thought he wouldn't make a snarky comment in times like this.

"Well he's right. Plus I told him I would keep you alive. So no dying on my watch," I gave him a small smile as he comes around from the desk and before I knew it, he crushes me into a loving embrace like a Father would do. I welcomed it and hugged him like there was no tomorrow.

"Thank you," he states sincerely, making me smile wider. "For everything," he rubs his hands against my back, generating comfort for him and I.

"I don't want Stiles to lose the only Father he has. Because you only get one," I spoke with my heart, as I pulled back to stare at him in the eyes. The Sheriff knew that each word I spoke were true, and wise. Plus, I was so older than him...

"We never really talked about you being a..." He took a moment to think of the right word. "Hybrid," he finally got the word, clicking his fingers together.

"Not the right time to be talking about that," I chuckled at him, dismissing his comment as I didn't really feel up for the conversation. "But I will take a rain-check," I smiled sweetly at him as he gives me a nod back with a smile as well. Suddenly, the whole office began to shake violently, making the Sheriff and I go on alert, as we cock our gaze around the office.

"What's happening?" The Sheriff asks, his voice laced with worry as he stumbles towards me, but I caught his arms, keeping him place.

"The toxin is spreading and you're becoming unstable," I replied quickly to him, as the violent shaking dimmed until it stopped. My gaze turned back to him, my eyes full of worry and he knows it. "At this rate, you don't have long left," my voice cracked as the words needed to be said, but I forced myself to say them. The Sheriff gives me an soft but sad expression...

"Alice!" Melissa's voice erupted around us, before it echoed within the Sheriff's mind. Alerting me to her presents in the room. I closed my eyes, as this little talk was over...

I snap open my eyes to find myself still touching the Sheriff's hand, and the marks on his skin, kept on growing. I felt Melissa next to me, I cock my gaze around to find her eyes burning into me like she had something to tell me.

"I know what's poisoning, a piece of bone. Bone marrow is in him," Melissa spoke quickly, as we now knew what was wrong with him. I smiled with relief, as they could remove the bone and get the Sheriff back to himself. "Doctor Geyer is going to operate on him,"

"Thank God," I spoke as I came forward and hugged Melissa as she embraced it back. It only lasted a moment, because Doctor Geyer came in to get the Sheriff. I left the room as they wheeled him away in the bed, going to sort out the bone within.

But my hope payed off, and he was going to live...


I heard the good news for Melissa, the removed the piece of bone that was inside him, and he was on the mend, recovering from the toxin. I also heard the bad news from Parrish, Lydia's Mother had signed her over to Eichen, meaning that she was under there care now, and that didn't sit well with me, knowing the history of that place. But I couldn't change Lydia's mother's mind, it was her choice to put her there, and it was at her best interest, and I was going to respect that for Lydia and her Mother.

I lean back into the couch within my home, thinking of the day I just had. Trying my best to keep the Sheriff alive, but I was too busy saving him that I lost Lydia to Eichen. I can't be everywhere at once, sometimes you have to make a sacrifice. I took a deep breath, inhaling the air, thinking that this wasn't going to be over, that tomorrow was going to be another day of the supernatural world. I place my hand to my neck, ready to rub my necklace for comfort, but it wasn't there. I just touched my skin with my cold finger tips, sending chills through me.

I remember the talk I had with my mother, it was so nice to have a chance to talk to her even if it was for one last time. The last thing I remember saying to her that I loved her, and then just white-light, but I can just picture her saying something to me, but I couldn't make it out... My eyes began to flutter shut, as exhaustion was taking over my body, and sleep was coming...

Dream a little for me...

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