Chapter Sixteen: Memories & Peace

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I snap open my eyes to find myself standing and not bound by anything. I was in the middle of some woods. I took a quick glance around my surroundings to know where I am. The woods of Beacon Hills. I took a few steps forward, before I hear a twig snap under my feet, making me cock my gaze down for a split second, before looking back up. Noticing I was in a different place and now in front of me was the Nemeton...

"Hello, Alice," A voice came from behind me, making me freeze to the spot. As it couldn't be, it couldn't be the voice I've longed to hear. I slowly turn on the spot to be faced with the person I've missed the most...

"Mother?" I asked, my voice in disbelieve, tears filling my eyes as I stare my mother over. She was wearing what she had died in centuries ago, her hair dirty blonde, like my Sister. But there was no blood on her, no marks of the attack.

"It's me," she spoke softly, but it was so clear to me. My breathing hitched as I couldn't believe it. Without a second thought, I ran to my mother and embraced her so lovingly, as she did the same. "Oh my sweet daughter. Time hasn't been kind to you," she spoke in that motherly tone, I've missed so much.

"I can't believe it's really you," I sobbed the words out, as the hug ended and we pulled back. She grabs my face, and swipe the tears that rolled down my cheeks away. "How's Eliza?" I asked first and foremost, as she just give me a soft look, a one that you wouldn't question from your own mother.

"Your Sister is happy, she's proud of what you have become," she replied her hands resting on my shoulders, she was only a few inches higher than I was. But tears rolled down my cheeks as those words filled me with joy. " But you have to wake up, sweetie. Your friends are in-danger and they need you," my mother spoke quickly, but I was not going to be any use to them. I took a few steps back, her hands falling from my shoulders as I hug my arms, my gaze looked away from hers.

"I can't. He broke me. I felt my magic dwindle away. The belief in myself shattered," I replied back to my Mother, as I felt so useless right now. Not to mention I'm currently tied down to a chair.

"You shouldn't be in doubt about yourself or your magic," My mother replied, making turn my gaze back to her. "Sweetie, you were never alone. We were beside you the whole time, we saw what you became, what you did for other people," tears streamed down my cheeks once again, but I was happy to know I was never alone on this journey. My hands dropped from my arms and dangled back to my side.

"But I've done awful things and I've hurt people around me. My friends," I countered her comment, as I don't deserve this kind of forgiveness from my Mother.

"People make mistakes and you've had enough heartache and pain in your life to allow that," my mother replied to my comment, she takes a few steps forward and grabs my hands into hers. "I am proud of you, your Father and Sister are too. It doesn't matter if you're a vampire, we love you just the same," her voice was so soothing to hear and like how I remember it. "And you are not a Monster at all. You are a powerful, strong woman who fights for what she believes in. She fights for her friends because you are loyal and you fight for love," my mother rubs the back of my hands with her thumbs, to ease my guilt and pain.

"But he destroyed the one thing I truly had from Eliza. It was my only physical link to her and my magic," I stumble the words out, as the sobs were in-between.

"I remember the day she made it for you," my mother's gaze got lost, her expression sad. "The link to your past might be destroyed. But you can never destroy the memories," she spoke, as my expression turned soft. "Memories are all you need. You clung to the past as you fear if you forget us that it makes you a bad person. But it doesn't, " she rolled off her tongue with ease like she was telling me the truth. Her expression motherly at all times, and it pulled me in. "The memories you hold dear to your heart, will keep us alive and you have a new family," her words spoke to me as it was the truth. I've been clinging onto the past, not wanting to let go of my family to move on, but I had too...

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