Chapter Six: Ember

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(Imagine her hair just above her shoulders)

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(Imagine her hair just above her shoulders)

A new day began and I had sneaked into the hospital using my magic to see Lydia, though she was still out, I just didn't want to leave her. I owed it to myself and to her that once she wakes, I'm the first person she sees. I had entered the hospital room with Lydia in, my eyes casting to her as she slept soundly. Though she was be in pain for a few days due to the wound but I would be beside her the whole time... I sit on the chair next to the bed, crossing one leg over the other as my gaze was just on her. Her breathing steady and calm, she was a cute sleeper. I smiled softly to myself as I relax back into the chair. Within minutes, the door opens as I swiftly turn around to see Parrish, staring at me, his eyebrow raised in question. 

"What are you doing here?" He had asked curiously.

"I wanted to be the first person she sees when she wakes up. Just so she knows I care," I had replied to Parrish, my eyes flicked back to Lydia and back to Parrish. I held a sheepish smile as it kind of sounds dumb when I said it out loud. "I know it's sounds stupid," I went on waving my hand at him.

"No," he quickly shot back, coming a bit forward, as my eyes glance into his. "No, I think its sweet. That you're here, it means you're loyal and you care," Parrish offers me his God darn cute smile he does. But it fades as I see the cogs turning in his head. "But how did you get in here? No one besides family can come in?" He had asked me, a smirk grew on my face.

"I have my ways deputy," I replied smugly at him as he smiles wider than before. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" I went on, coming closer to him.

"I'm here to gather eyewitness testimony," Parrish states to me as I give him a nod. As this was the main reason he was here, but he also cared about Lydia. But I could tell that something else was playing on his mind. "I want to ask you something?" Parrish spoke after a moment silence, as I see him mess with his fingers as he was acting nervous around me. He was cute to watch. "Can you find out what I am by using your magic?" Parrish asks me, making me look into his beautiful eyes. But the question he asked was a good point, I could go through his mind, maybe find something deep within his subconscious.

"I could but spells like that are complex and tricky," I state to him as he would take my word for it. "There are minor ones that breech your mind, but if you really wanna know what's going on upstairs then more complex spells would be needed. And they're dangerous," I explained to Parrish as he looks kind of gormless at me for a moment.

"Ok. Can you do one of the small ones? To see if you can get anything?" He had asked as he was kind of desperate to know what type of supernatural being he was. He was giving me a pleading look and how could I say no to that face...

"Fine," I huff at him as he was grateful. "The spell I have in mind will only allow me to see pieces. So don't be expecting anything," I told him the truth as it was better like that. I took a few steps closer and my eyes went up slightly as he was taller than me. I extended my arms out and placed my hands at the side of his head. "Relax your mind, open it to me," I had told him. Parrish closes his eyes and began to relax, I see his define muscles begin to loosen. I took a few deep breaths through my nostrils and began to focus...

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