Chapter Thirty-Five: The End

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I had tracked down the pike - which was now a cane - too some tunnels that we've had been in before. The elevator dings open, as we all rush out of it.

"Ok. I'll get Malia," Stiles states to us, as he began running down the hallway of the hospital. "Text me when you find Parrish,"

"Hold on," Scott states, making Stiles stop in his tracks and turn to look at him. Scott rummages through his jacket pocket, retrieving a wrapped jar type object before handing it to Stiles.

"What is this?" Stiles asks his best friend as he had no idea what it was.

"Something I've been working on for a while. Just make sure Malia gets it," Scott replied to Stiles question.

"Is it plan B?"

"It was plan A," Scott spoke back to Stiles. I stood holding Lydia up as she would still be a bit weak from the attack, but she will be find in a few. I had zoned out of their conversation before I was snapped back in the room to see Stiles running down the hallway, going to Malia.

"Now let's go," I state to the group as they all nod in agreement. I hope that we would save Mason and kill the Beast forever this time...


We wondered around the tunnels, Scott as our guide. We then took a corner, but a noise like electricity crackling and it was humming in my ears, and I'm sure the rest could hear it.

"Scott?" Liam whispers as we come to a halt, Scott turning around to face us. I held Lydia's hand, as I was keeping my promise, I wasn't going to let anything risk her life because we didn't want her to die. We all listened in to hear another crackling of electricity. "You hear that?" Liam took a few steps closer to Scott.

"I heard that," Lydia announce from the right of me, making me squeeze her hand slightly. 

"Sounds like a loose wire or something," I spoke as my gaze went around the place seeing if I could find the loose wire.

"Lydia, Alice, get out of the water!" Liam rushes out, making me have no time too process anything as he had pushed us both of of the water that was collected on the ground and we hit a dry corner. Suddenly, electricity crackled through the water, shocking both of them as they went down screaming in pain. Before I could do anything, I was grabbed by the hair, roughly.

"Nice to see you again Alice," Theo's voice rang in my ear, as a shiver went down my spine. But before I could speak, I let out a little scream as I felt Theo's claws sunk into my back, leaking some type of venom into my system as I began to become paralysed. Theo then throws me over an open grate in the floor, making me fall through backwards. I hit the ground within seconds, my back smashing against the floor, but because of the venom, my body became stiff, but the healing process began to take over. I hate Kanima venom... I blink and then I see Lydia falling into the hole, but was suddenly grabbed by Scott.

"Let everything go," Theo said, as I felt movement in my feet but the process wasn't going as fast as I hope it would. I should have fed on some blood before I came...

"No!" Scott groans his grip on Lydia was slipping and soon enough his grip on her had gone and she fell screaming.

"Casso tor," I spoke quickly my eyes locked on Lydia, before she could hit the floor, she levitated inches from the ground, her screams died down as she peers open her eyes to see herself levitating. Suddenly, the spell wears off and she was gently placed on the ground.

"Are you ok?" Lydia asks, as she felt her way around as it was dark and she could hardly see. Her hand had connected with mine within seconds of searching for it. 

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