Chapter Four: Not What It Seems

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The next day had arrived

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The next day had arrived. All my friends stood around Stiles's jeep and we had fresh meat. His name was Mason, he was Liam's best friend and he had told him what he was and the rest of us what we were. I've had experience with telling mortals  about the supernatural world. Some take it well, others don't...

"Tracy wasn't just having trouble sleeping. It was a real disorder. It was night terrors," Lydia had state to us, making me focus back onto the matter at hand.

"Well, now she's the night terror. Especially since no once can find her," Stiles had added, making me cast my gaze upon him.

"Ok, I know we're all tired and miserable..." Scott cuts himself off and looks to his right to look at Mason who's expression was full of excitement. "Except for you," Mason's head whipped around to face Scott.

"Oh, I'm sorry. This is all just mind-blowing," Mason began, before his gaze went to Kira. "You're a kitsune and you're a Hybrid," Mason states as his gaze went to mine, which I stood next to Kira. "I don't even know what they are," I think he was referencing a Kitsuna and a Hybrid.

"I'm still learning," Kira had said to him, as she was still in the learning process of being a Kitsune. 

"And I'm still immortal," I flashed my eyebrows up at him, as my comment took time to sync into his brain. 

"Liam, we said you could tell him. Not invite him to the inner circle," Stiles had said before Mason could reply to my comment.

"Uh, I'm in the inner circle?" Mason stated as he was surprised to hear this.

"No," both Liam and Stiles state in union.

"Guys, look, back to Tracy," Scott went back on track stepping closer to the jeep. "She's just one lone wolf. We can find her," Scott really wanted to find Tracy before she kills someone else.

"One lone serial-killing wolf," Malia had piped up.

"Uh, she only killed one person, you know. The other two were mauled... What do we do when we catch her?" Stiles had raised the important question.

"I say we put her down," Malia had stated but we know she hadn't been human long and she was still learning the human way of things. But at times she knows right from wrong. We all reminded silent as our eyes cast to one another, the air thickening with tension.

"Intense," Mason had spoke after a moment or two.

"Guys, let's concentrate on catching her first. We'll figure out the rest later," Scott was dismissing Malia's comment for now as he wasn't going to shed blood of a teenager.

"Question..." Everyone's eyes went to mine as my voice was serious. "Do you guys like my hair? None of you have commented on it yet," I had replied quickly, flicking my hair around with my hands, though it wasn't a great time to comment on my hair.

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