Chapter Twenty-Two: The Now

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Scott and Stiles came back with the jerry can, full. They had poured into the jeep and we were on our way once again, but night began to dawn upon us. However, I had fell asleep in the back, as I needed to have a little nap, just in case anything happens.

"Scott... Alice," I hear Stiles's voice ring out in my ear, making me flutter my eyes, making me lean up within the seat, looking out through the window. I was met with a mountain of sorts, but dark massive clouds covered the top of it. Thunder suddenly rumbles through the night, and lighting strike also. "What the hell do you think's happening to her out there?" Stiles wondered, but we had no clue. I see Scott's shrug as he had no idea, but Stiles quickly changes gear, and pressing his foot down onto the gas, the Jeep gaining acceleration.

"The party thunderstorm has welcomed us," I spoke with sarcasm laced in my voice as it crackles through the sky. My gaze went to Scott, as he was clearly worried for Kira, if she was there. They didn't reply, but they were focused on getting to there, getting to Kira.


Awhile later we had pulled over to let the Jeep to cool down. Scott, Stiles and I stood on the edge of the road, our eyes cast to the mountain as the thunder continued to crackle through the night.

"I don't know why I believed him," Scott began, probably referring too what they had spoken about when getting gas. "I don't know why we didn't just keep talking that night. Five more minutes... and we would've figured out that there were two different stories. We would've filled a lot of blanks... Should've just kept talking," Scott states, as he was very clear that him and Stiles should have just talked about what happened with Donovan and Theo...

"He knew we wouldn't," Stiles voice spoke back to Scott, as his gaze went to him. I was on the right of Scott, my eyes on him, my arms crossed over my chest.

"I didn't want it to happen like this," Scott replied.

"Like what?"

"I knew, sooner or later, one of us, was going to get a little too much blood on our hands," Scott replied to Stiles's question, making me hug my arms a bit tighter as I turn around back to face the mountain. I noticed Scott taking his gaze upon me. "I'm sorry Alice, I didn't-"

"No, it's fine," I cut him off, turning back around, offering a thin smile. "I can't take back what I've done, the blood I've shed, and what I've done to you all. I know what I am, and I must live with it," I said, tears swelling up in my eyes, but I held back the water gates. "You both do know I would never hurt you," I made it very clear to them, that I would never dream of hurting them.

"We know," Scott replied softly, giving me a soft smile.

"Yeah. But hey, who doesn't love an Vamp-Witch," Stiles replied, his voice kind but held his sense of humour. I chuckled at his comment for a moment, before my eyes met his.

"Yeah, don't call me that," I state giving him a serious tone for a moment, before smiling at him. "I'll be in the Jeep," I told them as both of them nodded their heads at me, before I wondered back over to the Jeep and entered. As I settled into the back seat, a shining of light kept hitting me in the eyes, making me peer through the windscreen, to see Scott pointing out to the bottom of the mountain where the glimmer of light was coming from.

"Kira," I spoke to myself, knowing it would be her. Dawn was coming upon us, so we had little time to get over there. Suddenly, Stiles and Scott rushes back into the Jeep and Stiles didn't waste anytime in starting up the Jeep and off we went. The Jeep went as fast as it could, Stiles shifting gears to make the Jeep go faster...


Sunrise was now upon us, we were closer than ever to the bottom of the mountain, Stiles just following the track along and we were now going up a slight hill, but as we came to go straight for a moment. I see Kira and her mother, in attack positions, to face off with three woman who were wearing animal pelts. The Jeep went down hill for a moment, as we came closer too behind Kira and her mother. Scott opens his door and jumps out while Stiles was still driving, Scott rolls into the sand before roaring at the three woman and the Jeep comes to a halt. I suddenly, vamp-sped out of the car, and stood next to Scott. As the three woman took their attack positions with spears.

"Get in!" Stiles yells to us all, I turn to look at Scott giving him a nod as he and Kira ran to the Jeep. I took a few inches closer to Kira's mother, as my eyes were trained on the three woman. One of the woman, who had red paint of sorts over her eyes, raised her spear and threw it at us.

"Incendia," I spoke as my hand was held out and I blew on my upward palm. As I blew, fire leapt from my hand, and out to the spear, I see it engulf the spear and it turns to ash quickly. I stopped blowing as I lowered my hand as I took my gaze to Noshiko and nodded to her, as she quickly redraws and goes back to the jeep.

"Go!" I yell behind me, my eyes catching Stiles, he held worry for me. "Go now!" I yelled again, as Stiles did what he was told and started up the jeep and turned around as sand leapt from the ground. I turn back around to face the three woman who held angry expressions.

"You sacrifice yourself for Mortals," the woman with the red paint over her eyes states, her voice distorted slightly.

"No. I sacrifice myself for my friends, because they are my family," I spoke strongly at them, but I gave a smirk as well. "Who says I don't have an escape plan. Cheerio," I snapped my fingers together, and suddenly, I vanished from their sights and was placed by the side of Kira within the jeep. But as I turned to my left I see them kissing, because they have missed each other.

"Get a room?" I suggested, making everyone spin around to look at me.

"How the hell?!" Stiles states cocking his head back to meet me, before looking back forward.

"Magic," I countered Stiles question. "Luckily, we are all safe," I smiled at them, as Scott and Kira kissed once again. But this was one person, we still had to get Malia, Lydia. Which would be more difficult to bring them over, but hope was still with me.

The drive back was going to be a long one...


We had gotten back to Beacon Hills, Scott and Kira had went to his house. Stiles had kindly offered to drop me at my house after he had dropped Kira and Scott off. Stiles pulls up into my drive, just behind the BMW, cutting the engine off as he turns to look at me.

"Thank you," I smiled at him, as he nodded his head offering a small smile.

"You know if you want to move out of your house, you are always welcome at mine," Stiles had offered to me, making give him a wider smile.

"Thanks for the offer, really. But I don't want to put you and your Father off. I require a special diet," I spoke back to Stiles, knowing what I meant.

"It's fine I understand," Stile states. "When this is over, I would like to know what your life was like before. You've had centuries, you've seen a lot, and I think that's amazing," Stiles states, his eyes lit up like my life was so special, in theory it was. You don't get a chance to live through all of the history which is taught.

"I'll add it to the lesson on Witchcraft as well," I chuckled softly at him as our eyes briefly met. "I'm so glad we became friends," I spoke, kind of quietly, but knowing Stiles he would have heard that.

"Me too," he replied back, making my eyes connect with his whisky coloured ones. Stiles leans over and embraces me, as I did the same to him. The hug was warm and felt nice to have one, I soaked in the moment, as I imagine Stiles was doing the same.

"You give better hugs than Abe Lincoln," I remark to him, as I could feel him go stiff for a moment, but I pulled back to see the shock on his face. "Night, Stiles," I smirked at him, not giving him a chance to responded, as I vamp-sped out of the Jeep and into the house. Leaving him wondering how I knew Abe Lincoln...

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