Chapter Twenty-Five: Break in

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The gang was on different missions. Kira and Malia went to the school to see if Kira could control her ability of electricity to cause a brownout. Scott and Liam went to the hospital to gather a few things. Stiles and I went to Parrish as we needed a deputy to drive the van because we needed a way in for us.

Stiles began telling Parrish the plan of ours and gave him the keys to the van, hoping he would accept and help out. Once Stiles finished telling Parrish about our plan. He just gives us a dumbfounded expression on his place, before throwing the keys back on the counter as he was behind a desk with a protective window surrounding him. We were in the Stations holding place...

"That's the worst plan I've ever heard," Parrish states back to Stiles.

"Ok, the plan is perfect and it'll work perfectly, especially if you agree to drive the van," Stiles counters and slides the keys back through the square cut-out of the glass.

"Is the Sheriff on board with this? Parrish asks Stiles, knowing that he had a tenderise of going behind his Father's back.

"How do you think I got the keys?" Stiles asks him.

"I thought you stole them," Parrish replied back.

"While that's a perfectly reasonable assumption. I didn't not steal them," Stiles began. "And we need you because all of the Eichen guards know all of the Sheriff's Deputies, ok. We need a real deputy. And one who won't ask questions," Stiles went on, trying to persuade Parrish to join our side.

"It's not safe to bring me along," Parrish states, making Stiles and I look at him funny. "I'm dangerous," I sigh softly to myself as he thinks he would hurt us.

"So is the giant murdering werewolf that's killed over 30 people, but somehow didn't kill you," Stiles replied back to Parrish, but he was still not convinced to help us.

"Give us a moment Stiles," I state to him, as he gives me a nod of his head before going through to the main part of the station. "Parrish look," my eyes drifted back to meet his, I stood where Stiles was, my hands pressed on the counter. "We know you're a big softy at heart, I know you wouldn't hurt anyone. But Lydia needs you... I need you," I told him quite firmly, but I held a softness in my voice.

"But I can't control it," He states, his gaze looked away from me.

"My whole life has been about control. Control my thirst for blood, control my magic. But control can only take you so far," I began, his eyes coming back to face me. "You have to believe in yourself, believe that you will take control of that part of you," I state sliding my hand through the square cut out of the window, my hand touching his for comfort. "I believe in you Jordan. You're not just a great deputy, you're a great person," I smile a warm one as his face lit up. I could see his change of expression, going from caution about this too determination. I recline my hand from his and he grabs the keys from the desk before coming out from behind the protecting box. He came to my side, and gave me a firm nod of his head, meaning he was on board.

The plan was falling into place...


After we had done what we needed, we all met back up at Scott's house. Malia and Kira had told us of their practise run at the School with light-bulbs and who she took out the school's electrical system.

"She took out the whole school?" Scott states his voice clearly shocked.

"She took out the whole grind," Malia states as Kira stood next to her right, nervously looking down.

"Look, I failed every single practice try," Kira begins, her eyes flickering to Scott. "This isn't going to work," she went on, disbelieving in herself.

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