Chapter Thirty-Six: Talk of the Past

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I stood in the bunker that was in some tunnels that Chris had. It had only been an hour or two after the defeat of the Beast. Gerard and Chris stood by one another, though I didn't want Gerard to be here, but it was his legacy after all.

"You wanted to speak to us?" Chris asks gently, his eyes on me as was Gerard's. 

"About Marie-Jeanne and Sebastien," I told them, they seemed to perk up in their positions. "I knew them," I flat out to them both. "A long time ago back in Seventeen Sixty-Four, I went too Gevaudan I heard it was a quite place and I wanted to lay low. There I met Marie-Jeanne, a local hunter, she was amazing, she taught me a lot. But when we found out that her Brother was the Beast, it was heart-breaking for her. I told her I was a Witch as well as Henri - who was an Argent... We came up with the plan of the Pike, I was the one who spelled it with the blood of Marie-Jeanne and for three long years, her and I hunted Sebastien down," I told them both, which they were both really surprised of, especially Gerard, who doesn't get surprised easily. 

"So you knew our Ancestors?" Chris spoke, his eyes wondered over me, but all I could do was nod. But there was the other thing in my mind, that Marie-Jeanne looked like Allison. But the weight of it was too much to bare, but if I told them what would they think.  

"There's something else," Gerard responded, making me lock gazes with him. "You're hiding something else," he went on, I couldn't lie to them, they have to know.

"Marie-Jeanne looked very like Allison," I began as they both turn their expression into shock. "Like twins. When I regained my memories of that time, it hit me, hard. You're the first two I've told," I replied my gaze flickering between the two men. 

"What's your theory?" Chris asked after a moment, making me take my gaze to him. 

"I don't know. It could be that I recognised her soul and it was just visualising Allison or she could be a doppelganger. I can't be sure of either of them," I was honest with them both, as saying them aloud sounded odd. But it looked like it was too much for them. 

"Can we get her back?" Chris rushes out, he wasn't thinking straight. 

"Chris, don't go there," I shook my head at him. "If you go down that path, it ever ends well. You can't bring back the dead," I told him in a stern tone of voice. 

"But you can," he takes a few steps forward. "You were her best friend, and she died protecting you all," he was getting upset as he was remembering the past.

"Don't you think I would have brought her back by now," I shot back at him, my tone upset. "The dead have to stay dead, it's the basic laws of Nature," I told Chris my tone went back to normal, but held a softness to it. "I'm so sorry Chris, I shouldn't have told you," I wrap my arms around myself as this was a bad idea.

"No, you're right. I have to believe that she's at peace," he spoke softly as I offered him a small smile.

"You can't tell the others, Scott would do anything to get Allison back, even give up him life. So this stays between the three of us," I told them but in my stern voice again, to know I mean business. Both them nod, and I have to have faith that they will not speak a word of this to anyone else. 

But all was not ok with me, knowing Marie-Jeanne then my memories are taken away and then meeting Allison nearly 250 years in the future is strange and kind of heart breaking. I believe in destiny and fate, I have too I'm a Witch. I believe that Nature did this, as a way too allow me to see Marie-Jeanne again, but as Allison. And I wouldn't change anything in the world, because I know deep down she is watching me, watching all of us. Either if she's on the other-side or found peace. She's our angel...



Sorry this is so short guys, but I wanted to do a chapter that Alice would explain what happened all those years ago to the Argents. This concludes our story guys, hope you all enjoy! Epilogue is next!

- Josh(Yoshi)

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