2. Emma

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2 years later

Brendon comes back from camp today! We have never spent a summer apart but when he got accepted to this really cool band camp, off he went. I have so much to talk to him about. I start my sophomore year tomorrow and he's a junior now. We talked at least once a week while he was gone but there's still so much to fill him in on. I'm waiting on his front porch for when he comes back from the train station with his mom. This is exciting! His car pulls up and I practically bounce in my seat. He hops out of the passenger seat and I stare. That can't be Brendon, he's too tall. No way. His hair is long and he grew at least 6 inches. He's still super lean but he's tan, I guess he was outside a lot. I bite my lip and watch them take his suitcase out of the trunk along with his guitar. His mom scurries up the sidewalk towards me and gives me a hug and a kiss. Brendon walks up looking exhausted and just shoots me a head nod. "Sup," um hello deeper voice? The fuck is happening. Puberty hit him with two buses this summer. He does a double take when he realizes it's me. "Emma?" He gapes and drops his one suitcase at his feet. "I know you just weren't about to blow me off that easily," I tease and cross my arms. He physical moves his head down to look at my chest. "When did you get boobs?" He asks astonishingly and his mom wacks him upside the back of his head. "Brendon. Not appropriate." She corrects him and I put my hand up. "It's ok, Grace." I smile back and Grace enters now that she unlocked the door. "I got these the same time time your balls dropped." I tease and push him. "What's with the voice and all this?" I gesture up and down his body. He smirks, "Ha ha. Very funny Miss Declan." He pushes his hair out of his eyes and places his guitar down. "C'mere." He states and pulls me into a bear hug. My face is in his chest and he smells good, like really good. I take in a discreet deep breath and he rubs my back. "I missed you, believe it or not." We pull away and turn to head inside. I reach for his guitar but he declines. "Nah, I got it. Go hit my mom up for some food, I'm starving." Teenage boys are always hungry.

We ate some pizza rolls and now we are seated on the carpet of his bedroom as he unpacks. "You excited for school?" He laughs, "yeah right, I cant wait to leave Vegas." I nod and we sit and talk and catch up until we fall asleep. I wake up in his bed the next morning and he is asleep on the floor by how I can only see his feet. I rub my eyes and squint as they adjust to the very bright sunlight coming through his window. I look around his room and crawl to the end of his mattress to wake him. I freeze when I see him just in his boxers and um he has a very prominent, um something, staring at me. I quickly crawl back onto his bed and cover my face. Jesus, I never had to deal with this before. What do I do? Do I say anything? I never noticed before because well either I was blind or he hid it very well. I don't see how you can hide that though, it's pretty um. You know, just like there. I shake my head of the imagine and lay there anxiously.

He finally wakes up and I pretend to be asleep. "Em?" He whispers and when I don't answer I hear him go into the bathroom. Thank god. I sigh and get up out of bed as he is in the bathroom. I quickly change so he doesn't see and I'm buttoning my jeans when he comes back out. Now he has sweats on but is still shirtless. "Where ya goin," he asks. He sounds off, like he's sad I'm leaving. "I'm gonna head home, big day tomorrow." I explain. "Oh, yeah. Ok. Let me drive you home at least." He offers and I declined. "Em what happened?" He asks frustrated. "Nothing happened," I scoff and he looks away angry at my answer. We stand there in awkward silence for a moment until he finally speaks. "I really missed you this summer and we already go back to school tomorrow. I was hoping to hang out today." He says weakly and scratches his neck. I feel sad but I also feel a certain way because he is in fact still shirtless and I have to figure this shit out. "I know me too but its just," I trail off. "Its just what?" He asks frustrated again. We're both frustrated and I cave. "I saw your thing!" I say a little too loud and instantly get quiet. His face contorts into confusion and he smirks. He fucking smirks. "What, what thing?" He truly is clueless. I point to his dick and he blushes and readjusts his sweatpants. "Oh, well um. You know that happens like every morning right?" He explains but he's not looking at me. I shake my head and hide my face. "I need to go, I'm sorry."

I walk out flustered and as I'm walking down the steps Grace greets me but stops mid sentence when we hear Brendon throw something in his room. "What happened?" She asks astonished. "We um, had a fight." I lie. "What could you two possibly fight about." I sigh. Nothing, nothing at all. "Nothing really, I think he is just exhausted from camp." Is all I can come up with. "Before you go, did he mention the girl from camp?" She asks like she's a teenager itching for gossip. "No, what girl?" I ask looking back up to the top of the steps. How could he not mention a summer fling to me? "He only mentioned her once, I think he said her name was Sarah. But I guess it was just a summer romance." She explains and hugs me goodbye. I walk out and I sit on their porch and wait for my mom to pick me up. Smooth right? Getting pissed off and leaving with no ride. My house is too far to walk and I don't have my bike or longboard or anything. After five minutes Brendon comes out the front door and sits next to me. He's fully dressed, shirt, jeans, chucks, and cologne? Stop smelling so good Urie my senses can't handle this. "Hey," he says sitting next to me but making sure not the touch me. "Hi." I mumble and fidget with my hands. "I knew you would be waiting for your mom," he chuckles trying to lighten the mood but I still feel the thick tension in the air. "Sadly," I answer. "Emma, just stay and well get breakfast and just play video games or something. It's gone, I promise." He explains and I cover my eyes and shake my head. "Its not that."

He's confused, "you said it was, then what is it?" I look at him now and if looks could kill, bury me now. His brown eyes look into mine. He's so concerned and cute and he smells really good and I can't handle this right now brain. He is my best guy friend. My best friend of all time. You can't have feelings for your best friend it never works. All it does is ruin the friendship. "Who's Sarah?" I change the subject. His eyes change and he looks out towards the lawn of his house and shakes his head subtly. "God damnit mom," he mumbles and I wait. "B, you can tell me anything. I don't like when you hide stuff." I smile weakly to reassure him that he can be an open book with me. "I met her at camp." He pauses. "And..." I edge him on. "She was only there because her parents made her. She doesn't like to sing in front of people and doesn't play an instrument." I continue staring at the side of his face. "Did you love her?" I ask because it sure seems like it. He scoffs and gets defensive. "Wh, what? No. We just fucked all summer, nothing else." He's lying. "Brendon, if you fucked all summer and it meant nothing you would have told me about it. It's ok to have feelings and love someone. Where does she live why don't you call her?" I suggest and he shakes his head. "No, I can't. " His body shrinks in his seat and he looks heartbroken. "I'm sure we could find her on Facebook if you know her last name."

"Emma, she has a boyfriend and we didn't fuck at all. I didn't even get the chance to kiss her." He looks back into my eyes and I stare back. "Then what's the problem?" I ask and he takes a deep breath in. "I really liked her," he finally answers. "I'm sorry B." I say quietly and I hug his torso. He jumps at the contact but eventually puts his arm around my shoulders and embraces my makeshift hug. The tension between us is gone and this is where we belong. In this moment we are best friends and always will be. My mom pulls up and we pull apart. "I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him and he looks sad. "Yeah, ok."

"Love you!" I drag out the you and he smiles. "Love ya too Em." He waves bye and goes back inside. My mom was annoyed she had to pick me up so we spend the car ride in silence.

Ruin The Friendship / Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now