5. Emma

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"Emma come on! Hurry it up!" My mom yells from downstairs, "I'm coming! I just have to put my shoes on!" I yell out my door and slide my heels on. I'm meeting Kat at the prom and to my luck I got dumped yesterday, so to say I don't want to go is an understatement but I already paid $120 to go to this dance so I'm going. I stand back and take in my look in the mirror. My hair is down in short red curls, artificially red that is. My dress is revealing on my ribs and back but everything else is covered. My mom was hesitant to buy this because it's revealing but you should see some of the pillowcases these girls will be wearing tonight. At least my dress touches the floor. The dress is marbled purple, blue and white with gems under my breasts. I have light make up on because I never wear it and dangling earrings. My phone dings with a text message and I pick it up to look.

Kat: Chris is here with Taylor

Me: wow great...

Kat: I thought I would tell you before you saw

Me: thanks love

Kat: have Brendon beat him up

Me: he doesn't even know yet, I haven't talked to him since Tuesday

Kat: whhyyyy...?

Me: no reason just haven't talked

Kat: ....

Me: what?

Kat: nothing. See you soon!

Me: meep

Kat: love you

Me: I'm going to make bacon and eat it in my closet and use my prom dress as a bib

Kat: that dress doesn't deserve that

Me: you're right. It doesn't. Be there in 15

Kat: 😘

I head down the stairs and almost trip on the second to last step. "Where is Brendon?" My mom asks curiously, "um Brendon isn't going to the dance. It's not his scene AND Chris just showed up with Taylor so that's where I'm at right now." I answer sarcastically and she cringes. "I'm sorry Em, try to make the best of it. Go and have fun with Kat, you're sleeping over right?" She asks one more time to confirm. "Yep, I have my bag by the door." She smiles and holds up her phone. "Just one picture, and then you can go." I smile weakly but eventually she makes me laugh and she gets her picture. "Ok, bye mom!" I shout as I head out the door. I sling the bag over my shoulder and carefully walk to my mom's car. She is letting me take it for the night because she knows I won't do anything especially post break up. I gather my dress and all it's tulle and shove it into the drivers seat. I receive another text as I start the engine. I let it idle while I check before heading off.

Kat: Brendon is here 😲

Me: curiouser and curiouser

Kat: 😅

Me: leaving now, let me drive woman lol

Kat: ok!

I arrive at the hall and there are still teenagers lingering around outside. Some are drunk, some are not even going in, some are denied at the door due to the dress code. I gather up my gown and place my duffle bag in the back seat. I stumble out of the car and brace my hand on the door to catch myself before I fall for the first time tonight. Just get me inside so I can take my heels off already. I slowly walk up to the admission table and hand them my ticket, I walk inside and stare in awe. I don't go to a fancy school but this is nice. No wonder I paid so much money for it. The ceilings are high and have chandeliers, there's tulle drapes hanging low and balloons everywhere but not in a tacky way. There is a disco ball over the dance floor and the DJ is on the far end with more tulle and fairy lights covering the front of his podium. There is a bar but of course it's strictly soda. The whole place is tinted pink at the moment but after a couple moments of me staring the hue changes to red. I get jostled by someone pushing past me and it knocks me out of my trance. I walk around taking in all the decorations and table decor before making my way to the bar for a Shirley temple. Honestly that's my favorite drink, who needs alcohol? My phone vibrates since I changed it because hearing it in this place is not possible.

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