9. Emma

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"Spill." Kat crosses her arms next to me and leans against my neighbors locker. I continue putting books inside and switching them out into my backpack for classes after lunch. "Spill what?" I ask playing dumb and she shuts my locker. "Hey!" I shout and turn to face her now. "What happened after the party? You and Brendon are usually inseparable, and I haven't seen him with you for a couple days. Doesn't he drive you?" She questions and I open my locker trying to ignore this conversation. "Emma!" She says with more emphasis and I snap my head at her. "What? Nothing!" I shout back and I'm done with my books so I close and lock my locker. "Girl please don't tell me you had sex with Brendon and didn't tell me!" She shakes my shoulders and I shrug her off. "Kat, what? No!" I get defensive. "Then what could have happened between you two to stop all contact? You have been friends forever." I lower my head and pull her elbow closer so I can tell her quietly. I tuck a strand of black hair behind my ear and she waits patiently. "He slept over-"

"I knew it!" I smack her arm. "No listen!" She smiles, "yeah, sorry continue." I take a breath and start over. "He slept over after the graduation party, we saw each other in our underwear and that was really intimidating. Anyway, so I wake up the next morning because I felt something on my hip and it was Brendon. He was spooning me but he had boner." I finish the sentence whispering and my face turns red. Kat bursts out laughing and I smack her. "Keep it down!" I shout and she laughs harder. "Awh Emma, you're so innocent. That always happens in the morning." She explains and I blush. "I know that! But it's different when your best friend is pushing up against you." I feel like dying of embarrassment right now. "Is that all that happened?" She asks and I nod. The blood still pooled in my cheeks. As if on cue Brendon walks down the hall, he's always by himself unless I'm with him, so lately not so much. Kat waves at him and he nods and gives her a small smile. I, however do the most mature thing and hide my face against the closed locker door. "Em, Emma. What are you doing?" Kat whispers and she's trying to pull me away from the cold metal, but it feels good on my red face. "Ok, he's gone." I look up at her and she shakes her head. "Oh Emma, what am I going to do with you? He's your second best friend."
"First best friend." I correct
"Second best friend, you cant ignore him forever." I sigh. "I know." She links her elbow with mine and pulls me towards the lunch room now. "Well what are you doing when you guys go to college together?" Jesus christ, college. We're going to college this fall. Hell I graduate next week, I can't deal with this information. "Uh," I stammer and she laughs. "Better figure it out quick."

I'm walking towards the exit, Kat has Cello practice, so I'm walking home alone today.
"Em! Emma, wait up!" I turn around at the oh so familiar voice. Brendon is lightly jogging down the hallway, his backpack bunching on his shoulders as he holds it trying to keep it in place. I pause to let him catch up. "Hey," I mumble, I'm still a little anxious about the whole sleep over thing but it's been like a week so. "My mom wants you to come over for graduation dinner, my brothers and sisters are coming home for it." He explains as we walk. There's distance between us and we look at each other in small spurts. How did we get here? "Yeah, ok sounds good. My mom hasn't planned anything anyway." I answer and he smiles. Oh I missed his smile. "Cool, um it's friday, obviously, and I'll pick you at 4?" He asks. I nod in agreement and we continue walking. He fidgets with his hands and I hug my books to my chest. I stop at my locker and he leans his back against my neighbor's as he waits. "Do you need a ride home?" He asks looking into my eyes now. "No, it's ok. I can walk." I reply and go back to switching my books out. "Wait, have you been walking this whole time?" He asks astonished. "Well, yeah. I hate the bus and you are the only one I know who drives." I explain and his eyes grow sad. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didnt even think, I was just giving you some space." He explains rubbing his face anxiously. I shut my locker and it startles him. "Its fine, ya ready?" I ask and he nods. "I am sorry," he begins but I shrug him off. "How about we just never talk about it?" I suggest and he shoves his hands in his pockets. He laughs, "Ok deal."

Ruin The Friendship / Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now