27. Emma

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After me and Josh got interrupted, I got a lecture from Laura that last about an hour off and on. She would go do something else and then come back and make another point.
It consisted of Brendon, Josh being on tour, he is Brendon's boss, Josh is in a growing band, Brendon, Josh shouldn't be tied down, Brendon, how will you make this work, you can't leave your job and oh yeah BRENDON. I don't know why Brendon came up so many times we aren't even talking right now. He left to go back to LA and has been ghosting me since. Josh has been in contact with him on a regular basis because well they work together. He would tell me if something was concerning right?

Well he neglected to tell me that Brendon was going down a pretty destructive path. I found out via Spencer he has been having an affair with an older woman at work. I don't see how that can end well. I plan to confront him when he comes home for this meeting and I know Grace wants to see him.

Josh called me before his meeting and I somehow milked the bar they were meeting at, oh it's one of those meetings. I'm getting dressed currently and texting Josh. I take out a purple v neck blouse to pair with my grey leggings but decide against it. I settle on a red button up with black capris and black flats. I pair it with red lipstick and dark eye shadow. After contemplating whether I want to do this or not. Whether I want to ambush this meeting, I take a deep breath and decide to head to my car.
I sit outside on the parking lot destroying my nails. Why am I here? How did I get to this point? I'm jostled from my thoughts when I see Brendon enter the pathway leading to the front door. I haven't seen him in a couple weeks but his hair looks longer, he's wearing his glasses, which is rare and he's dressed, dare I say it? Nice. His black slacks are ironed and his dark grey almost black button down is crease free also. I watch him check his watch and casually push his glasses up the bridge of his nose before switching the hand he was caressing his suitcase with to open the door and head inside
Josh is already inside because well I kind of just followed him here. I slip out of my car and silently walk up to the bar even though no one is outside with me. I go in and sit at the bar because they have a booth in the back. This bar is an oval so I am behind the keg taps hiding but I can see their table. I order a shock top to pass the time and I watch the guys receive their beers and then place orders. I'm blatantly staring at them and catch myself so I look at my phone trying to play it off that I am waiting for someone. I'm failing.

"Who are you stalking?" A woman asks next to me and I startle. "Uh, I what? No one!" That was convincing. I look over and a woman with sun kissed skin, a little younger then with golden brown hair, perfect make up and bright teeth is looking at me expectantly. "Ex boyfriend? Current boyfriend?" She smiles innocently,  her eyes are brown but soft. "Well, I mean my boyfriend is over there but I trust him." I explain and sip my beer anxiously." She turns her body to face mine, legs crossed politely. "So who then?" She pried and I bite my lip. "Well you see my best friend is kind of working for my boyfriend and he hasn't been talking to me because of this thing we had and I want answers." I say calmly and glance at their table again. Brendon said something that made Josh and Tyler both laugh and he reaches into his briefcase pulling out a packet of papers. That's a thick stack. "So what's your goal here?" She smiles again interested in where I am going with this. I don't know why I am even answering her or confiding in her but I do. "I want to confront him on this girl he is sleeping with at work, she's older then him." I sip my beer and her deep silky voice sings. "Ooo." She leans in, "this got exciting. I'm Debby by the way," she extends her hand and I shake it lightly. "Emma." I smile and glance at their table. Brendon is leaning over the table with a face of concentration plastered while he explains something to Josh and Tyler. "So now what?" She asks and I shrug. "I didn't get that far actually." I laugh but it's more at myself. "Well, let's go over some options here because I love a little detective work."

I sip my beer again and wait patiently.
"We can go for shock and awe and just march over there?"

I go wide eyed but wait and listen to the other options.

Ruin The Friendship / Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now