12. Brendon

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I unleashed a monster and now I have two options, babysit or join in. Emma is apparently out to prove me wrong and has taken to Arnold in order to do so. I don't like him, and I know it seems like I say that with every guy that goes near her but that's not really the case. She loves to attract these fuckboys and I won't stand for it. I let her get away from me, but I'm watching from a distance. I'm casually sipping my beer, the loud music pounding in my ears and I have a girl on my arm as I lean against the fire place mantle. I'm completely ignoring her but she won't give up and is having a whole conversation regardless if I answer or not. Emma is only on beer number two but now they started doing shots, oh great. The girl on my arm pokes my cheek so now I look at her. I'm annoyed at first but she hands me a joint, which I instantly take a hit and smile to her. She smiles back and leans in and kisses me. Ok well maybe I can leave Emma for a little bit. I slip my tongue into her mouth and she pulls my long hair making me moan in my throat but you can't hear it with all the music and noise from people talking. I pull away and take another hit before passing it back to her and we stay like this for several minutes probably longer. We pass the joint back and forth until it's gone, and make out in short sessions. They are now playing a game in the kitchen, so I excuse myself from Maddie? Madeline? Madison? One of those, and go to check it out. "Brendon!" Emma shouts and my god she is wasted. "How much did you drink?" I ask, kind of annoyed. "Dude, let her relax and have fun." Arnold interferes and now I really don't like him. "You know she is 17 right? A minor and you are like 24," I explain and he gulps but still keeps his bad body facade going. "And why do you care so much? You said you aren't together, and friends let friends drink." I roll my eyes because honestly he isn't worth my time. "Yeah Brendon! Do a shot, loosen up!" She shouts and I smile at her because she is adorable drunk. "Ok," I answer to her and no one else but Arnold likes to fuck with me. "Why not a body shot?" He challenges and Emma isn't fazed because well, she's drunk. "Nah dude," Emma grabs my forearm. "Come on Bren, it's fine." I smirk at her, she called me Bren. I haven't been called Bren since like the 5th grade. "Yeah, come on Brenny." Arnold teases and I want to punch his teeth in.
Emma's hold brings me back and she nods at me. I nod back and she lays down on the open counter space. I grab the salt and lime and Emma's whole world looks like it just opened up for her. "Do you know what I'm about to do?" I ask her and she nods sheepishly. Either she's nervous or lying. I pop the lime in her mouth, "hold it there." She nods again, eyes blown out in wonder. I lift her shirt up to her sternum and lay a trail of salt leading to her belly button. I look at her again and her chest is rising up and down quickly. I pour the shot straight from the bottle into her belly button, quickly licking the salt up. I suck and swallow the shot and move up to her mouth. She looks at me with bewilderment and I lean in taking the lime from her mouth and suck on it. She watches me with dilated pupils and bites her bottom lip softly between her teeth. I help her sit up and she blushes now. "I need air," she states bluntly and I nod, quickly picking her up off the counter and placing her on her feet. She intertwines my fingers with hers and leads me out of the house. "Use protection!" Arnold shouts. I really don't like that guy.
We get outside and Emma leans against the railing taking a deep breath. "Are you ok?" I ask and lean on the railing joining her. "Yeah, just thinking." I stare onto the lawn and wait for her to explain, but she doesn't. She just hugs my waist and pulls me towards her. I tense at first but the I wrap my arms around her in a hug. "I'm going to miss you so much," she sniffles and my heart melts. "Emma," I sigh and she shakes her head. "Don't say anything just be here with me." I nod and pet her hair and she holds my torso. After several seconds she looks up at me. Her warm brown eyes staring into my soul. I stare back and her face is inches from mine. It's moments like these that I have a love hate relationship with. I really wanna join in and take things further and then a part of me wants to run away. So that's what I do, I pull away. Emma looks sad but doesn't let it ruin her night. "Come on let's go dance," she smiles and again grabs my handing pulling me back into the house. A dance song with lots of bass is playing and I need more alcohol if I'm going to start dancing. I leave Emma on the dance floor to go get another shot and beer. Yes, I need both. I down the shot and I'm filing a beer from the keg when Emma's name catches my attention. "Yeah, I bet I can get her in bed. I just have to get her stupid guard dog away from her." Someone else agrees and I dont even turn around because I know who it is. Fucking Arnold. I stop filing my cup and pretty much drink the whole thing walking back to Emma. She's dancing by herself and I hate to be that dick but now it's time to go. I place my now empty red solo cup on a ledge somewhere and weave through the dancing students to go get her. Arnold beats me to her.
He leans in and talks into her ear, she smiles and nods but I catch up and grab her arm. "Emma, come on let's leave." I say rather sternly and she furrows her eyebrows. "B, what? No Arnold just asked me to play beer pong." She explains and now I need to lie. "Em, I don't feel good and I don't want to leave you here alone." I reply and she softens a little. "It's alright Brandon, I'll take her home. We live together anyway." Arnold replies and my blood boils. "No, that's ok. Plus I leave tomorrow and would like to spend time with my girl. Also it's Brendon." I move my grip from her elbow to her hand and she looks up to my face and down to my hand like she is evaluating the situation. "Your girl? I thought you said you were just friends." Arnold challenges and I'm over this. "Yeah, I lied. We're leaving." I gently but firmly pull Emma away and she is still gaping up at me like she is in shock. When we make it to the car she stops now. "B?" She questions and I look across the hood to her fiddling with my keys. "Yeah Em?" She crosses her arms, "what's going on?" When did she sober up? "Get in, we'll get pizza." Is all I say and duck into my car. She follows reluctantly and we sit in silence driving to pizza hut. "I'm going to be honest with you ok, and you have to believe me on this." I start and Emma shifts in her seat. "Promise me, you'll believe me." I say again and grab her hand for emphasis. She nods, "ok." I take a deep breath and pull up to a red light. "I overheard Arnold and another guy talking about getting you in bed and they were trying to get you away from me to do so. Please report him and get a new roommate please. And before you think it's because I'm overprotective and don't like you dating anyone. It's not, I just want to make sure you're safe." I finally look over at her and she has a face crossed between annoyance and understanding. Her face turns green from the street light so I turn back to my driving and after a couple moments we pull in the pizza hut parking lot. "Can you say something?" I ask her and she sits quietly. "Why did you say I was your girl?" I laugh lightly. "Really, out of all that? That's what you pick out?" I chuckle and she looks at me seriously. "Well I mean technically you are my girl, and you always will be, just not romantically. " I get nervous and rub the back of my neck. "Oh," she says it sadly like there is some sort of underlying meaning to it. "What?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Nothing, let's get some food. Can we get breadsticks?" She asks perking back up to her cheerful self. "Yeah definitely, with the sauce." She smiles and claps her hands. "Oh god yes," she moans over the thought of it and I smile exiting the car.

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