23. Spencer

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I'm gonna smack him. I'm gonna smack him right across his smug face face. This dude has been keeping secrets from Emma for over a month now and I know everything so am I obligated to tell her or not? Josh's band is going on tour. Brendon is going with them for a few local dates and he still has not told Emma that Josh wants to reconnect with her and make it work. Josh wants Emma back like completely.  He had to switch numbers due to fans getting his, and he doesn't have Emma's number anymore. When they were in New York for business Josh gave Brendon his number to give to Emma, to let her do what she wants with it. Brendon is literally keeping them apart and it makes me sick and angry at the same time. All because he can't make up his fucking mind or make an actual move. I love then both to death but they have some serious issues to work out.

I'm driving over to his house now and hopefully I can talk some sense into him. I rap my fingers on the steering wheel as I drum to the beat of the song on the radio. It comes to an end just as I pull up to his temporary condo. Brendon is off today so we are catching up and doing what we always do. Get high.

Three hours later

"So tell me about Emma." I start, I'm high but still functional, Brendon on the other hand shouldn't even operate the dvd player. "What about Emma?" He asks staring at the ceiling. I play dumb, "you talked to her right and told her about Josh?"

"Well not exactly," he draws out and I keep my reaction hidden. "Oh how come? Are you going to ask her out?" I stare at the ceiling with him just so he thinks were on the same page and I'm not meddling. "Well no, I mean she's my best friend and I'm pretty sure she doesn't see me that way." He explains and I'm gonna smack him.

"What if I told you she does?" I lie. I see him tense out of the corner of my eye but then he relaxes trying to remain calm. "She said so?" He asks, his voice a little higher then normal. I take another hit of my joint and exhale towards the ceiling. "She did." I say it calmly and lowly. Honestly I shouldn't be meddling but I've stood by too long to watch these idiots over the years just be plan stupid. I see the way they look at eachother and yeah Emma was great with Josh but now he is away and touring so I don't see how that can work with her stuck here in school. Brendon obviously isn't going to say something to ruin the friendship but I can. I'm not trying to ruin their friendship, but I know they can be more and be more happy they just need a little nudge in the right direction.

"So what do I do then? Just tell her straight up how I feel?" He asks looking at me now. I turn my head feeling the wave of calmness spread through my body. "How do you feel about her? Like why her? You obviously can get ass anytime you want, you proved that multiple times at bars. So why do you need Emma?" He looks back at the ceiling and relaxes his head.

"I want to come home to someone. I want to laugh and joke around and have a silly goose time without worrying if they actually find me funny or not. Emma knows me inside and out. She actually likes my jokes and sense of humor. She confides in me and trusts me. Not to mention I love her laugh and the way her eyes sparkle whenever I mention music. She has this way of talking to me about serious topics in a non serious manner to lighten the mood. I really needed that back in high school after I decided to move to LA. Lately I've noticed her body, her smile, her hair and I want to run my fingers through it while I kiss her. I want to kiss her so bad and love her in every way I can." He gets quiet. I think he realized he overshared. Brendon fiddles with his thumbs before continuing. "We've been friends for so long and I can't help but wonder what if I made a move during high school? What if I kissed her prom?"

"If you did you wouldn't have moved to LA." I point out. Brendon sighs, "honestly I would have done everything in my power to take her with me."
"Brendon you lived in your car for 4 months before you started getting paid, that's not the life for a girl. Especially a girl that you love."

There's a long silence between us for several minutes. Brendon just breathing and thinking and I finish my joint. "Wanna get some food?" He asks, and just like that the conversation is dropped and we head to nearest Burger King.

Ruin The Friendship / Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now