33. Brendon

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I don't have to lean down because she is in heels luckily so I just close the distance and kiss her. We smile together at first and then she grabs my belt loops and pulls me closer. I take full control and kiss her deeply, I don't care who is around and who is watching. This is my moment, it's about time. I lick her tongue lightly and go back to her lips before lapping at her tongue again. The small short strokes are making her melt into my touch. I move one hand from holding her head to caress the small of her back and pull her tighter. "B," she breaks away long enough to say my name but I go back to kissing her. She giggles at my persistence.

"B," she tries again and I listen. I lean my forehead against hers knocking her cap a little and stare into her rich green eyes. "Yes?" I smirk and she just stares. "I wish we could skip dinner," she whispers and I tilt my head in confusion. "No, you deserve this dinner. You worked really hard for 4 years, the least you can get is a dinner." I explain and she giggles shaking her head a tiny bit. Her tassel jostling on its string. "No B, that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you - oh." I catch on by how her hands grip my waistline ever so softly. "You know I've been wanting to have sex with you since senior year? Ever since that party, you drove my teenage self nuts that night." She blushes, "oh god, don't remind me." I kiss her again briefly this way we can leave. "Let's go find mommadukes."

I lead her through the string of people, her hand entangled in mine. Honestly I wish we could get out of here too, too many people. We exit finally and arrive at the pavilion where her mom is probably on her 3rd cigarette. "Finally! Congratulations! Oh my god Brendon!" She shouts and I smile. "Hey Ms. Declan," we never really got on a first name basis. She hugs me and I hug her back. "What's this?" She points to us holding hands and how Emma is practically hanging on my arm. We both glance at eachother and based off Emma's eyes, she wants me to explain. "A lot happened last month and I guess you could say this is 10 years in the making but Emma and I are together." I look at her and her eyes are big and endearing. "I'm her boyfriend," I say and Ms. Declan puts out her cigarette. "Finally, " she says quietly and smiles. "I feel like a lot of people are going to say that." I look at Emma again and I really just want to whisk her away to my hotel room and make love to her for hours. But alas, we have a dinner reservation.

"2 shots of tequila," I say and Emma coughs. "B what?"
"And for you?" The waitress asks Emma's mom. "Diet coke for me,"
"And 2 shirley temples." I add on, the waitress nods and leaves. "B, it's like 1pm and we're doing shots?"
"Absofuckinglutely. You graduated college today, and you're moving to LA. We have to do shots." I explain and she just shakes her head, the tassel swinging lightly again.

I reach over and remove her cap. I haven't even seen what she decorated on it yet. I just seen a lot of blue. "Wow, really?" I blush at the lyrics on her hat and stare at her dumbfounded. "It means a lot of to me." She mumbles like she is embarrassed. "No I love it, you mean a lot to me." I emphasize to ease her embarrassment. The waitress comes back with our shots and drinks, interrupting our stares.

I lift the shot glass and hold it out to her to take, before lifting mine. "To Emma, congratulations and to us." Nice and short and sweet and she smiles. I shoot the contents of the glass down my throat and watch Emma as she does the same and grimaces before washing it down with the shirley temple. A moment later we order our food, most of the conversation being between me and Emma, her mom in her own little world playing casino games on her phone. We're in the middle of talking about LA when I feel her foot nudge mine. I smile and nod back and we play footsies under the table for a couple minutes. Then her small delicate hand is on my knee. Ok, that's fine. Until she starts moving it up my thigh. I cough to stifle a noise in my throat and move her hand away intertwining our fingers so she can't move it again. She pulls away when the food comes and we eat in silence as the tension builds in the air. Her mom none the wiser.

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