29. Brendon

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"Emma, breathe." She takes long deep breaths and sits on the edge of my king size bed inside the hotel room. "I need Josh." She states and my heart clenches but a lot has happened today. " I walk over to her and kneel in between her knees. She looks down at me and I just want to cup her face and kiss her pain away. "I don't think that's a good idea." I suggest but she shakes her head. "No I need to talk to him!" She stands but I settle her by putting my hands on her shoulders and sitting her back down. "Why don't you call him?" I suggest. I hand her my phone and she stands with the phone to her ear. I go in the bathroom to give her some space. This is not how I planned on doing this, in fact this whole professing my love for her is actually a little anticlimactic if I don't say so myself. I wash my face and as I'm drying it with a towel over my eyes I hear the door shut. I leave the bathroom and she is in fact gone and my cell phone is on the mattress where she once sat. This might be for the best, she didn't give me an answer or even the time of day when I told her I liked her. Well I also kind of sprung it on her. I grab my phone and see her phone call to Josh lasted fifteen seconds. Either he didn't pick up or he did and they are meeting.

Me: Emma are you ok?

Emma: Josh is leaving

Me: ok, well what about you?

Emma: I need to see him Brendon

Me: just let me know if you need anything

She doesn't reply after that so I settle into my room some more by taking a shower, changing into just my boxer briefs and laying in bed watching NCIS. This episode is about a love triangle gone wrong and the lover got killed by the husband and the wife ran away with his money. Wow if that isn't some twisted version of my life right now. Four episodes later, which it's a one hour show on cable after commercials, and I doze off.

I wake up to a knock on the door and the clock reads 12:04pm. I wake up groggily and clear my eyes. I saunter over to the door, feet heavy, and answer it still rubbing my eyes. I'm completely oblivious to the fact I am in nothing but my boxer briefs. Emma stands before me drenched, its pouring outside and I didn't hear the thunder until now. When it rains it pours in Vegas and soaks anything in its wake. "Emma, oh my god. Get inside." I say quickly, my voice husky with sleep, and I pull her towards my room by her shoulder. She comes in willingly and stands shivering from the AC circulating. I turn on the closest lamp and take in her appearance. Her hair drenched and plastered to her face, make up running with black ink smearing down her cheeks. Even with the rain I know she was crying. She shivers once again and it wakes me from my trance. I stride to the bathroom to get her a dry towel and I turn the shower on so she can get warm quickly. "Here, Em." I hand her the towel, "go get in the shower and warm up." I tell her because she is kind of just standing there. She doesn't move, "Emma, what happened?" I ask stepping a little closer to look in her eyes. Those bright green eyes and black hair that's starting to curl already. I brush the hair out of her face and she flinches like she just saw me for the first time since entering. "Emma." I say again and she blinks. Ok at least someone is home. "Josh, broke up with me. For good." She states and her lip quivers.

"Em I'm," I go to apologize but she interrupts me by hitting my chest. "Its all your fault! You couldn't just let me be happy!" She yells and I step back because I feel bad. "I do want you to be happy." I mumble and she hits my chest again. "No you don't! Our whole lives you have sabotaged my relationships and crushes and it's like you want me to be single and have 10 cats!" She yells and I can't help but giggle and she hits my shoulder now. "It's not funny!" She emphasizes and I laugh again. "You're allergic to cats." I state quietly and her lip tugs upwards almost in a smile but she fights it. "Not the point Brendon! Why couldn't you be a good friend? Huh? You sleep around with different people all the time and I never say anything! But the second I could be happy and in a relationship you go and pull this shit." I'm getting a little angry at her outburst but not quite there. "What shit?" I ask sarcastically. "This shit, you work for my boyfriend." Ex boyfriend. "And then you go and tell me things that make the whole situation worse." I shake my head and cross my arms. "Emma, you followed us to our meeting, and for what? What was so important that you had to do that?" I ask and she pales like she forgot she did that. "I-" she stutters because I know in fact she has nothing. "I have my reasons!" She eventually bursts out and I laugh again, but darker this time. "Emma you are a horrible liar and you never do any stupid dramatic shit like this so what's up?" I ask and she looks down at my boxers now. I glance down and back up to her eyes, she blushes. "Its not like you haven't seen it before?" I state and she blushes. "Emma, talk to me!" I raise my voice but I'm not yelling. "Who are you screwing at work?" She asks finally and I laugh. "Who? Lorraine?" I laugh again and she bats my chest again. "I knew it! Why can't you keep it in your pants." She shouts and storms towards the bathroom. "Where are you going?" I ask and she holds up the towel. "The shower, like you told me!" She shouts and ok I'm kind of annoyed she is just leaving the conversation like this.

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