7. Emma

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Brendon is dragging me out of the hall as he holds my shoes. "I'm gonna take a piss and then we'll go," he says quickly handing me my shoes and I nod. I text Kat that I am leaving with Brendon and I will have him drop me off later. She isn't thrilled that I'm leaving so soon but she understands. I go to put my phone away when Chris walks up, "Emma, you look pretty." He says it like a challenge and I just cross my arms in disgust. "Leave me alone, I know you cheated on me and if you weren't interested you could have just told me. I'm a very opened minded person." I shoot back and he laughs. "I know you're open minded by leaving with Urie." I shoot him a confused looked, "huh?" I question. "I saw you too, you looked cozy on the dance floor. Is he the lucky man that's going to take your virginity tonight?" He teases and I blush turning my head away. Brendon returns and pushes me back blocking me from Chris with his body. "Dude did I not make myself clear?" He pushes Chris now and I know a fight is going to break out any minute. "Don't fucking touch me man," Chris shoves back and Brendon smiles. Oh god. Brendon swings and drops Chris like a sack of potatoes. Chris holds his face in pain on the floor and Brendon shakes his fist out from the hit. A teacher comes over and ushers Brendon out of the hall and another tends to Chris laying on the floor. I try to follow Brendon but I get stopped at the doors. "Sorry sweetie you have to stay inside until the dance is over or unless a parent gets you." She states sweetly and I sigh. "That's my best friend though," I gesture to Brendon walking down the steps. He turns around when he hears me and mouths "I'm sorry," before turning the corner with the teacher. "I understand but he is in big trouble so I need you to go back inside please." She explains and I accept defeat. I turn around and glance at my shoes before walking back inside. I wait anxiously for Brendon to text me or call me or come back in but he doesn't. I don't see him for the rest of the dance.

Kat and I are on her bedroom floor talking about the dance and Brendon. We are laying on opposite ends so are heads are next to each other but are feet are farthest apart. "He kissed your neck?" She exclaims and I nod. "Yeah, I mean I don't know. We were dancing and hugging and the song ended and then he was kissing my neck and I kind of liked it but I don't know." I repeat myself and stare at the ceiling. "Well have you guys ever done anything like more then friends?" She asks and I shake my head. "No that's the thing, like why all of a sudden are things spiraling out of control. We have a great friendship and I don't want to ruin that but then a part of me is curious." I explain and Kat just lays next to me and listens. "I see how you guys interact and a lot of people are convinced you're a thing except those that know you're not. Like if Brendon we're to kiss you what would you do?" She asks and my first thought would be to kiss him back, "I'm not sure," I lie to her. "Ok, well could you see yourself having sex with him?" She asks and I instantly get defensive. "Ew oh my god, what?" I burst out and she laughs. "Well judging from that response that would be a strong no, so it's simple. You guys just had a moment, there aren't any real feelings there. Just teenage hormones and pretty lights from prom making you guys all gushy." She explains and she has a point. Maybe my dress was too much. "Maybe my dress was too much," I say it again out loud. "Yeah, that dress was hoppin," she agrees and I turn to face her. "So I am overthinking this then?" I ask her again just to validate it. "Yep, Brendon is your best friend. He is also sort of a man whore, he saw a girl in a pretty dress and that's all." She confirms and I nod. "Yeah you're right, it was just the whole prom thing."

I'm walking to lunch and Brendon comes running up behind me out of breath. Its Monday, Brendon got his phone back this morning but he couldn't pick me up from school so I walked. "Hey! You got a second?" He asks catching his breath. His hair is pushed back and disheveled, he has a couple beads of sweat streaming down his temple and his lips are wet. I nod and before I can say anything he drags me into an empty classroom. "Ow, Brendon what the fuck?" I ask because his grip is kind of strong, when did that happen? He use to be a jellyfish. "Sorry, I didn't mean to grab you so hard." He apologizes and lifts the bottom of his shirt up to wipe his face. My sight instantly goes down to his exposed stomach and abs? The double fuck? I watch his stomach flex as he wipes his face and hair to dry his sweat and then he drops his shirt and I look away blushing. "Um, what's up?" I ask shyly and he licks his lips again. "Don't take this the wrong way, ok?" He asks and I nod. "Did you and Chris have," he pauses and I wait. "Brendon, spit it out."

"Did you and Chris have sex?" He asks with pain in voice and clearly on his face. I'm a little taken aback by this question. "Brendon if we did, I would have told you." I answer. "I dont know about that anymore. I hope you would have, but is it a yes or no?" He asks again and I sigh. "No, Brendon. We didn't get that far, and if we did what's the big deal?" I ask crossing my arms on my chest. The action pushed my boobs up and Brendon looked briefly before looking away. Teenage boys, man. "They were talking in the locker room, don't get mad at me." He states and I'm getting frustrated. "Brendon, just tell me! It's me your talking to, remember. We've been friends for, I don't know, twelve years." I laugh lightly to lighten the tension. "Right, you're right. Ok, Chris never liked you. It was a challenge." I blink at him, "a what? Like I was a bet." He shakes his head. "Kind of, but no money was involved. It was just a challenge on how fast Chris could get in your pants." He explains and rubs the back of his neck. I'm mad. I'm fuming mad. I grab Brendon's hand and pull him out of the classroom.

Brendon trails behind me like a lost puppy but doesn't say anything. Sometimes he is the softest boy I swear. I storm into the cafeteria and Brendon follows keeping his distance still. I walk up to Chris and he turns red in the face. "Oh hey Emma," he says trying to keep his bad boy image, it's difficult with a broken nose. "Don't 'hey' me, I know what you did and it's not cool." I explain and his group of friends just laugh. Chris however doesn't, he just looks away. "Emma, let's go, its pointless." Brendon grabs my hand and starts to pull me away. "Yeah, get your girl Brendon." Chris now speaks because we are leaving and Brendon freezes mid stride. He takes his bag off his right shoulder. "Here hold this?" He shoves his backpack into my chest. "Uh what-" before I can comprehend why I am holding his backpack Brendon has Chris by the collar and pins him on the lunch table with a loud thud. The cafeteria goes silent. "Do I need to hit you again? Are you that stupid?" Chris just smirks because he knows Brendon won't. "You can't emo nerd, I dare you to touch me again and see what it gets you." Brendon stares at him and shoves him back against the table before releasing him. He comes back to me and takes his bag. He holds his hand out for me to take but I look back at Chris' smug face and feel fire in my chest. "Em, let's go." He reaches but I pull away. "Hold on," I go back to Chris and he smirks at me. That stupid smirk that pulled me in before, and his blonde hair and green eyes. Oh how I loathe him now. "Yes doll?" He says and I punch him in his already broken nose. Granted I'm a girl and weak and probably can't punch for shit, but since Brendon already did most of the damage three days ago, it hurt him like a bitch. He grabbed his face and fresh blood start pouring down and he cries out in pain. His group of friends scattered, some friends, and the lunch room was in an uproar.  "Holy shit!" Brendon grabs me from behind and pulls me into his chest, my back pressed against his stomach. "Jesus ok. Time to go. Emma come on!" He shouts as teachers start making their way to us. "Em, Emma!" Brendon shouts and apparently I was zoned out. My ears are ringing and my heart is pounding, wow this is what adrenaline feels like. Never had a reason for it until now.

Brendon pulls me by my hand out of the cafeteria and we run down the hall. We turn down two corridors into the music wing and he stops to catch his breath. We are bent over leaning our palms on our knees panting like dogs and I just start laughing. Like full blown laughing, holding my stomach from how much it hurts. Brendon looks at me and eventually joins in. We are both laughing are asses off until I eventually sit on the floor and lean against the wall. Brendon follows my position and slides down the wall sitting next to me with a plop. I lean over and place my head on his shoulder. "What now?" I ask not looking up at him. He chuckles, "um go to class?" He suggests and I shake my head. He turns to look at me and I look up at him. Are faces are inches apart but there's no tension, thank god. "Are you going to the graduation party?" He asks and I nod, "why yes I am, why?" I answer in a southern accent because well, why not? He smiles, "do you wanna go with me?" He asks. "Yeah, of course, pick me up at 8pm." I kiss his cheek and stand up now, but Brendon stays in his place. The bell rings and I hold out my palms. "Come on, we have english." I say as I pull him up to his feet.

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