4. Emma

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Brendon has been distant ever since the party. Yeah I saw him naked, big deal, so did the entire class. The morning after I remember bits and pieces. Chris ditched me, Brendon drove me home and I woke up in his bed but he was downstairs. So I don't know what else happened. He barely talked to me during breakfast and kept blushing at random times. Maybe he did something else at the party and is embarrassed? I don't know, but with it being spring break still we are both off from school and he still has work.

I go home early from his house and walk into my bedroom. I'm exhausted and decide to take another nap even though I technically just woke up. I text Brendon but no answer. What has gotten into him? Yeah I can admit things have been a little bit different since he came back from camp. I mean we are teenagers now and his sex life has taken off. Mine is still very non existent. I decide to give Brendon some space and he'll reach out when he's ready.

I didn't know it would take a week for him to reach out.

"Hey," he leans up against the locker next to mine. I jump a little because one I was lost in thought and two I wasn't expecting him to talk to me. "Oh, hey," I answer weakly and he sighs. "Look, I'm sorry about kind of ignoring you. It wasn't anything you did, it was all me and I just had some things to figure out." He states and I just stare into his eyes and listen. "Oh, yeah, ok. I thought it was cause of the whole streaking thing. I mean not that I haven't seen anything before but-" I trail off because he's blushing again and now I'm flustered. "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up, some party huh?" I try to change the topic but it doesn't help. "Yeah, some party. Can-" the bell rings. "I have to talk to you at lunch." He says and I nod. "Ok, sure." He gives me a one armed hug before he leaves for his class and I put my books inside my locker. I'm speed walking down the hall because I'm going to be late. Well more late I should say, and I bump into Chris coming around the corner. "Oh sorry, hi." I mumble and he smiles at me. "Just the girl I was looking for." He says smoothly and I blush. "I had fun at the party, sorry I dissapeared on ya." I'm too nice of a person to say anything about Brittany so I just smile and nod. "So I was thinking maybe we should date, you know all that couple shit." I gape up at him, why now all of sudden? Unless something didn't happen between him and Brittany. "Uh, why?" I ask and he smirks. "Well obviously you like me, and I think you're cute." He answers and I just hug my textbook to my chest even more. "Oh ok, yeah sure." I mumble again, Emma speak up! "Great, give me your number." He holds his palm out with his phone and waits while I dial it in. "I'll text you after school," he states and kisses my cheek before walking off. Um, weird. Does this mean, is he my boyfriend now? Is this how it happens in high school. No grand gesture or incredible moment of passion? Wow I have to stop reading and watching romantic movies. I shake my head and walk down towards English. Where I get detention for being late, fabulous.

I'm sitting in lunch detention, because I opted for this instead of after school, when I get a text.

Brendon: where r u?

Me: detention ha sorry

Brendon: wow really?

Me: I was late to English

Brendon: I'm coming to you then

Me: what's so important?

Brendon: I'm almost there

I furrow my eyebrows and wonder what this idiot is up to? Is he voluntarily coming to detention? Leave it to B. Brendon knocks on the door and enters at the same time.
"Mr. Urie you're late for detention, why am I not surprised?" Mr. Atika scoffs and Brendon takes a seat next to me. "Do you even have detention?" I whisper and he shakes his head. "No, they always assume I do." He laughs lightly and the teacher shushes us. I giggle and Brendon's body is facing my direction. I continue sitting forward until he taps my knee. "So about the party," he starts but I remembered something important.  "Oh my god. Hold that thought!" I whisper shout, he looks at me surprised by my sudden silent outburst. "Chris asked me out!" I whisper shout and lightly tap his knee, like in an oh my god you wouldn't believe it kind of way. His face falls and his body looks like it actually stiffened. "Wait, what? When did this happen?" He shakes his head like he doesn't believe what he's hearing. "What, is that so difficult to believe?" I'm kind of hurt by his reaction, you think my best friend would be happy for me. "No, I mean you're beautiful and amazing. I just don't like him and he's probably playing you." He answers and I get angry. "You think any guy I'm interested in is playing me." I snap and he sighs. "Emma, no I don't. I just want to make sure you're safe and I don't want anything happening to you." He places his hand on my thigh but I don't pay attention to it. "Emma and Brendon, enough talking!" The teacher corrects us and we go back to sitting in silence. Detention ends and we go to leave. "What, was so urgent anyway Brendon, what did you want to talk about?" He looks at me flustered and runs his fingers through his hair. "Nothing, nevermind, forget it. Let me know how your date goes." He replies and walks out of the classroom backwards before turning to go the opposite direction of me.

Chris texted me after school and now we are in a movie theater about to see a movie. He paid and he said we'll get dinner after, not that I expected him to but it's nice. It's nice to be noticed and get attention from a boy. My stomach has butterflies to back this up. Halfway through the movie Chris takes my hand I and look at him and smile. He leans in and places his lips on mine. This is my first kiss, yes I'm 16 and a junior and no I havent kissed anyone else except Brendon, well almost. It was that one time when I was younger, that was a pity kiss though. His lips move over mine and his hand cups my face pulling me closer towards his lap. I'm not sure if I'm doing this right but he seems to be enjoying it. He pulls away after a couple moments and just goes back to watching the movie. I sit there flustered holding hands with him and I can't help but think about Brendon and I almost kissing in the closet. It didn't feel like this, maybe I was just nervous.

Chris drops me off and before I go he pulls me in for another kiss. This one gets pretty heated, well on his part. He really is a good kisser and he actually enjoys me kissing him. His hands are around my waist and I push his chest lightly to break the kiss. "Thanks for the movie and dinner," I say quietly into his chest. He smiles and pulls me into his lips again. "Chris!" I laugh and pull away completely. "I'm sorry, is it wrong that I like kissing you?" He asks with a smirk on his face. I shake my head no and shyly look down. "No, it's just a little fast. I'm sorry." I reply and he nods. "No problem, I'll see you tomorrow." He says planting a quick kiss on my lips before retreating to his car and drives off. I enter my house smiling and I can't wait to tell Brendon everything!

I quickly enter my bedroom to avoid questions from my mother, not that she will ask but you never know. I flop on my bed and dial Brendon.
"Hey Em," he answers happily.
"Brendon! I just got back from my date!" I exclaim and I'm so happy I kick my legs in the air. "Oh wow, how'd it go?" He asks genuinely curious. "It went really good, we saw a movie and got some dinner." I said kind of trailing off. "I feel like there's more," he laughs a little and I burst. "There is! He kissed me! Twice!" I start getting giddy and ranting about the kiss but stop when I don't hear Brendon on the other line. "B? Ya there?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm just listening. I'm happy for you. I'm actually going to go to bed, sorry I'm exhausted from work. I'll pick you up for school tomorrow and you can tell me more about it."

"Oh well actually Chris said he would pick me up," I explain. "Oh," the line gets quiet. "Ok, then I'll see you at school. Night Em," he says quietly. "Goodnight, Bren-" He hung up on me.

I walk the halls the next month with Chris clinging to my waist. I learned very quickly that he is very big on PDA and showing me off. Which is actually kind of nice. He buys me gifts and brags to his friends. I never ask for any of it, it just happens. I see less of Brendon, we still text and hang out. It's just not as frequent because I'm seeing Chris and he, well, he sees many girls. Chris and I don't talk much like Brendon and I do. We go on dates, hang out and watch tv but we always end up fooling around and I have to put the breaks on. Chris keeps talking about doing it after prom but we've only been together for a little over a month and I'm not ready. I've had this conversation with my best friend Katrina and also Brendon. Kat told me to get it over with and Brendon got super defensive and told me not to. How does that help? Both answers are completely different. I turn 17 this summer and I have to do it eventually right? I don't know I'm just so conflicted, I guess we'll just wait and see.

Ruin The Friendship / Brendon UrieWhere stories live. Discover now