11. Emma

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"Hey B, pass me the comforter please?" I ask as he helps me unpack. Moving day. It's just me and him in my new dorm and my mom is home because well she couldn't bare me moving out, also my roommate still yet to show up. Whoever they might be. Brendon pushes his long hair out of his face, he needs a haircut desperately but good luck telling him that. "The purple or black?" He asks and I laugh. "Both, its double sided." I explain and he picks it up flipping it back and forth as he inspects it. "Well look at that," he laughs and hands it to me. "I would put the purple side up," he then explains and I bend over my bed to lay it down. "Why?" I ask without looking and a moment passes before he answers. "Um, b-because it's your favorite color." He stutters. I climb off my bed with a little hop and smile up at him as he holds a lamp in his hands. "Thanks!" I take the lamp and place it on my fold out desk. The room is small and my desk is attached to the wall so it flips down. My bed is elevated with drawers underneath and my roommates side is the same way. I don't know how they fit this much furniture in here but they did.

After unpacking all my clothes and listening to music on Brendon's phone we take a break. "I'm going to get coffee, you want any?" Brendon asks heading towards the door. "No, I'm ok. Thanks though!" I reply cheerfully and Brendon nods before leaving, smacking the door frame with his palm. I open another box, this one is full of my books, novels anyway. I have yet to get my school books when I hear a knock on the door. "Knock, knock!" A tall, skinny pale guy with brown hair smiles at me before entering. He has thick black framed glasses, a striped button up shirt and you think he would be clean cut but no. He rolls his one cuff up to reveal a whole tattoo sleeve. "Hey sorry to bother you. I'm Arnold, your RA." He walks in more and offers his hand for me to shake. "Oh, yeah. Hi I'm-"
"Emma Declan, I'm aware." He states matter of factly and I blush. "Yeah.." I drag out and we still haven't dropped our handshake. I realize this and not so smoothly drop his hand. "Oh sorry," I blush and laugh nervously. "No worries, I actually came in here because there was a mix up with the rooms. I was suppose to get my own but no that's not possible. So I'm actually going to be your roommate. Sorry to be a buzz kill on day 1." He explains and I shake my head. "No, not at all, it will be nice to have a senior guide me somewhat." He smiles. "You're cute. Anyway, I'm going to start bringing my stuff in and then we can talk about the party." He says and I look at him confused. "Party?" I ask and he smiles. He has a nice smile. "Yeah after freshman orientation we always have a party. Pretty much a 'who can hold their liquor initiation.'" He quotes with his fingers and I nod. "Oh, I don't drink." He laughs. "You do now, go with me. You'll get major bragging rights and make a lot of friends." He explains and Brendon walks in now with 2 cups.
"Hey man, what's up?" He nods at him and hands me a cup. "I didn't want any coffee Brendon." I whisper and he just smiles taking a stance next to me facing Arnold. "It's a smoothie," he explains and I pop the lid to see it is indeed a pineapple, banana smoothie. I can smell the banana. "Who's this?" He asks gesturing his cup towards Arnold. "Oh sorry, this is Arnold, my RA." I explain and Arnold smiles. "I'm her new roommate," he states and Brendon almost does a spit take seeing as he was mid sip. "Um, what?" He coughs and I pat his back. "Ya good?" I ask laughing and he shakes his head. "No, why do you have a guy as a roommate?" He exasperates. "B, it's fine, he's a senior and my RA." I explain and I kind of feel embarrassed because Arnold is standing right there. "Yeah exactly, how old are you?" Brendon challenges and I hit his arm. "Brendon!" I shout. "24," Arnold answers and he shakes his head. "No I don't like it." I stomp my foot at him. "Brendon, you're being incredibly rude and it's a co-ed dorm." I place my smoothie down on the desk before I throw it at his stupid face. "Emma, you're not even 18 yet and living with a 24 year old. I don't like it." He emphasizes "I don't like it." I cross my arms and cock my hip. "Well it's not up to you, you're moving to LA!" I fire back and he throws his head back. "Of course you bring that up! How many times do I have to apologize?" He shouts back and we are basically yelling back and forth with Arnold right in the room. "Wow you fight like an old married couple, how long have you been together?" He asks and I go red. "We're not together." We say at the same time and we both glance at each other still mad. "Yeah, ok. Sure." He laughs and walks out, where is he going? Oh yeah to get his stuff to move in. "Brendon I can not believe you right now." I huff and he just laughs. "What is so funny?" I ask and Arnold comes back in. "You know your boyfriend can come to." He says nonchalantly as he places a suitcase on the bed. "Go where?" Brendon asks looking at me and then back at Arnold. "The party tonight, it will be fun." He explains and unzips his suitcase to begin taking clothes out. "Oh yeah, I'll be there." I gape at Brendon and he smirks. "My flight isn't until 4pm tomorrow, you're stuck with me Declan." Brendon teases and I sigh. Great.


Brendon is driving us down the street to the party and I'm still annoyed at his stupid face. "Don't be so grumpy, it's your first college party." He teases grabbing my cheek and I swat him away. "Fuck off." I swear and he laughs. "Damn ok." He goes back to the road, his fist flexing and relaxing on the steering wheel. We pull up and even though it is 9pm the house is loaded with people of all ages and sizes and lights streaming onto the front lawn through the windows. I swallow hard and Brendon places a hand on my thigh. "We don't have to go, I know its overwhelming." He soothes me and then I tilt my head. "How do you know? Have you been to a college party?" I ask and he nods. "Yeah, like three." He explains and gets out of the car. Woah wait a second there buddy. "Wait, what?" I exclaim and jump out to catch up with him. "When? And why didn't you tell me?" I ask kind of hurt that he wouldn't tell me this very important piece of information. "It's fine Emma, don't make it a thing." He ends whining and we get closer to the front door. "I'm not making it a thing, I'm just wondering why you wouldn't tell me." I reply sadly and stop walking. Brendon notices and stops, taking a deep breath when he sees my small figure and then rubs the back of his neck. "I didn't tell you, because I wanted to be alone and have fun. I wanted to party and hook up with someone and not be judged." He ends kind of shouting but not too loud. "I don't judge you," I mumble and he nods. "Yes, you do. For me smoking, drinking, having sex. All of it, and because you don't it's like you expect me to be the same way and I'm not." I take in this information and just grow sad and feel regret. I hold back tears by this point because I let my best friend down and now I don't even wanna be here. "Ok," is all I can answer. "Emma," Brendon sighs and I just sniffle and push pass him wiping my nose. "Emma where are you going?" He asks catching up to me. "To have fun."

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