Junho-First Kiss

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Genre : Fluff

Song : Pristin WeeWoo

requested by imdyinghere

third person's pov
"joa hae~ neol joa hae~ boo boo~ !!" Haeyeon hummed to the song that was stuck in her head for days. she was getting ready for a date with her boyfriend of 6 months to the amusement park.

she felt like wearing pink today even though it wasn't really the colour she was fond of but she wanted to look sweet for her boyfriend since he loved seeing her in pink. she took out her pink suspender dress and matched it with a white top.

after applying some light make up on , she styled her hair up into a high ponytail and wore a pair of pink sneakers before grabbing her white sling purse to leave for her date

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after applying some light make up on , she styled her hair up into a high ponytail and wore a pair of pink sneakers before grabbing her white sling purse to leave for her date.

Junho , her boyfriend was already waiting for her at the bus stop they agreed to wait at. Haeyeon was a little surprised to see him wearing suspenders because he never does.

"you're in pink?" "you're in suspenders?" both of them said in unison which made them giggle after that

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"you're in pink?" "you're in suspenders?" both of them said in unison which made them giggle after that. "but for real though , you're in suspenders? that's a surprise." Haeyeon said. "i just thought of wearing it. you got it for me on my birthday anyway." Junho smiled.

"and you're in pink.." Junho said , unable to hide his smile. "i just felt like wearing pink. do you like it?" Haeyeon asked and Junho nodded. "we definitely look like the sweetest couple right now." Junho slid his hand into Haeyeon's making her blush even though this wasn't their first time holding hands.

they took the bus to the amusement park since neither of them had license to drive. when they reached the amusement park , Junho went to buy the tickets for the both of them. "how much was it?" Haeyeon asked taking out her wallet. Junho just looked at her opening her wallet with his arms crossed across his chest. Haeyeon noticed the silence and looked up to him.

"what makes you think i'll let you pay for your ticket? you're keeping that wallet in your bag. let's go!" Junho pushed her wallet towards her and grabbed her other free hand to the entrance. he scanned the ticket on the machine which let the both of them enter.

"can we go there please?" Haeyeon begged pointing to the haunted house. she was dying to go into one but never got the chance to. today was finally the day. "can we go somewhere else?.." Junho shaked. haunted houses wasn't his thing but what to do when you have a girlfriend who is into these kind of spooky things?

"i guess i can't say no." Junho sighed after seeing Haeyeon pout. her face immediately changed into a smile and excitedly pulled Junho to the queue which wasn't long. surprisingly the haunted house was open even though it was broad daylight. in no time , it was the couple's turn.

Junho immediately turned into a scared baby once they stepped into the dark setting. his grip around Haeyeon's arm tightened with every step they took. Haeyeon's smile got wider with every scream she heard from Junho from every scare they received. it was definitely her first time seeing Junho's scared side since he was always either expressionless or smiley.

after that torturous time for Junho , they were finally out from the haunted house. Junho's legs gave in and he bent down still shaking. "sorry i made you go in there.." Haeyeon said bending down as well. "it's okay , at least i got to stick with you for the whole time." Junho said smiling as if nothing happened. "so you were faking all along?" Haeyeon asked only to receive a cheeky smile from Junho.

"how else can i hug you close without you blushing and pushing me away in less than 5 seconds?" Junho said. "well.." Haeyeon was speechless since Junho was right. everytime they hugged , Haeyeon never fails to push him away before 5 seconds was up. "i'll work on that.." Haeyeon smiled shyly.

"roller coaster?" he suggested and they queued up for the ride. the both of them were the daring kind of person so taking rides like these were their favourite.

after spending the whole day at the amusement park , the two of them went back to the bus stop they met earlier today. "i should walk you home." Junho offered. "nah , you can go home. you have to take the bus back right?" Haeyeon asked. "yea but , it's not the last bus. come on." Junho said sliding his hand into Haeyeon's again. her cheeks turned red from feeling shy and Junho saw it. "your cheeks are red again! cute." Junho pinched her cheeks. "don't call me cute , i'm not cute." Haeyeon pouted.

"you are , and you like it when i call you cute." Junho teased. "stop.." Haeyeon's cheeks became redder as if she was just ran a marathon. when they reached her house , Haeyeon asked Junho to come inside. "it's not appropriate for a girl and a boy to be alone at home. your parents won't like it." Junho said. "so this is goodbye?" Haeyeon asked and he nodded.

"not like i won't see you tomorrow at school. cheer up." Junho poked the sides of her lips and made her force a smile by pushing the sides of her lips up. "text me when you get back home alright?" Haeyeon said. "yes maam." Junho saluted to her. "go in now." Junho turned her body around to face her door entrance. Haeyeon's head was still looking at Junho , not willing to leave him.

"run along now." Junho said smiling before turning around to walk on his way. Haeyeon turned back and took out her keys to open her door when Junho called out to her making her turn around.

he ran up to her and kissed his thumb before planting it onto her lips. Haeyeon looked at him with shocked eyes because this was their indirect kiss for the first time. (throwback to Produce X 101 days when Junho did this to one of the trainers)

"you're cheeks are red again." Junho smiled proudly. "stop teasing me." Haeyeon pouted. "if they turn red at this , what will happen when i do this?" Junho leaned in suddenly and kissed Haeyeon on her lips. her heartbeat quickened so badly she thought it was audible to him.

"hm , not much difference between an indirect or direct kiss. i should do a direct kiss from now on. it's better than a hug or indirect kiss." Junho said and Haeyeon couldn't say no.

it was their very first kiss.


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