Wooseok-Today Is Day One

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Genre : Fluff

Song : Gfriend Me Gustas Tu

requested by  multifandomiesx

third person's pov
"Jiyu there he is!" Ryuna teased. "stop it! he's gonna hear you!" Jiyu whispered back to her friend who was giving her a teasing smile. Jiyu has a huge crush on Mr Popular guy named Kim Wooseok. she never had the courage to actually confess or even just approach him for a small chat.

"he looked at you , i swear to god. i wasn't lying. i'm not kidding Jiyu. he's flustered now because i caught him staring at you. he's whispering to his friend now. his cheeks are red like his ears." Jiyu was giggling at how Ryuna was talking so quickly. "okay enough Ryuna. your stories were funny alright? let's go , lunch is almost over." Jiyu stood up and picked up her tray to leave. "hey i wasn't making up stories! i was serious! he was looking-" Ryuna turned to Wooseok once again and gasped chasing Jiyu who was already way ahead from her friend because she didn't want to be embarrassed.

"i caught him looking at you again! when you left! he definitely likes you. i can guarantee you if you confess to him , he'll be happy to accept you." Ryuna smiled. "very funny Ryuna but i'm never doing that." Jiyu laughed before they went back to class. sadly , Jiyu wasn't in the same class as Wooseok so she can only see him before school , during breaks and after school.

on the other hand , Wooseok was panicking even though class was about to start very soon. "calm down boy , just accept the fact she noticed you alright? i told you to man up and confess to her already but you refuse to every single time." Jaewoo sighed. "it wasn't her , it was her friend who saw me then told her about it. she probably thinks i'm a creep." Wooseok grabbed his hair in frustration.

"let me just tell you that you should ask her out. if you trust me even as a friend , try it. i'm sure she likes you. stop being embarrassed of looking at her earlier on , you can look at her all you want once she becomes your girlfriend." Jaewoo said before facing the front.

after school , Jiyu packed her bag and left the classroom alone because Ryuna needed to rush for her guitar class. Wooseok was standing outside with his hand in his pockets. Jiyu saw him but something inside her told her not to even peek at him and continue walking. "Jiyu!" she heard Wooseok called out making her freeze on the spot. Wooseok ran infront of her and scratched his head in nervousness.

"i was just wondering if you would like to go to the movies with me tomorrow. i have an extra ticket and my friend isn't free to go with me. well to be exact he doesn't want to watch the movie i wanna watch. is it okay? i mean it's fine if you can't i can go myself i won't force-" Jiyu giggled , cutting Wooseok's words that spilled out of his mouth due to his nervousness. "i'll go with you. what movie is it though?" Jiyu asked. "Aladdin. i like the story plot and bought two tickets because it's cheaper." Wooseok smiled. he couldn't hide his happiness after having Jiyu accept his movie date request which was the same for Jiyu who was trying to hide her happiness from having Wooseok ask her out.

the next day..

Jiyu has been deciding on what to wear and nothing seems to satisfy her. "come on you're gonna be late at this rate." Ryuna sighed. "oh god freak it , i'm going to just go casual." Jiyu took a white crop top with black shorts. "that's all you're wearing to the cinema? at least with this." Ryuna took out Jiyu's red checkered flannel and handed it to her. "thanks girl." Jiyu smiled.

"can't believe my best friend is going on a date with her crush

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"can't believe my best friend is going on a date with her crush. i'm so happy for you." Ryuna looked proudly at her friend who was all dressed and ready to go. Jiyu made her way to the mall of the cinema where the movie she and Wooseok would be watching was at.

"hey Jiyu

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"hey Jiyu." Wooseok said when he found her. "oh , you're early." Jiyu said and he smiled. "i got us some popcorn and some drinks. woah , we're sort of matching?" Wooseok handed her a drink. "thank you , you didn't need to and yeah." Jiyu laughed. she couldn't stop smiling. "let's go in." Wooseok said. "i'll hold that." Jiyu said taking the box of popcorn so Wooseok can take the tickets out. when they were in the cinema , time passed by so quickly and it was over so quickly.. the kiss was awkward for them like how it would be for any couple like the two of them.

they stood outside the cinema and stared on the ground in silence when the movie was over. "i'm glad you invited me to come for the movie. although we didn't do much , i enjoyed today." Jiyu said breaking the silence. "me too." Wooseok smiled. "shall we go home now?" Jiyu asked and turned around when Wooseok stopped her. "Jiyu , is it okay for me to ask if you're single?" Wooseok asked and she nodded. "i am , why?" she asked with her heart beating really quickly. "because i want you to be taken by me." Wooseok stared right into her eyes. Jiyu was so shocked she became speechless. "do i get an answer now or do i give you time?" Wooseok asked. before Jiyu could speak and tell him her answer , Wooseok stopped her. "if the answer is going to be negative , i think i should give you more time to think." Wooseok said. "i just want to say , i would be glad to be taken by you." Jiyu blushed.

"then today is day one." Wooseok smiled hugging her with his heart.


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