Seungwoo-Pretty Barista

693 15 1

Genre : Fluff

Song : BTS Coffee

requested by yoon_yuri

third person's pov
Sohyun was working full time at a café she worked part time during her school days. since it was her holidays and she had nothing else to do , she decides to work full time so she can earn more money without wasting time slacking off at home. today was a weekday so the customers were not as many compared to weekends.

"Sohyun , a cup of americano." Eunji said. "yes maam." Sohyun teased. Eunji is Sohyun's best friend and was also the one who introduced her to this job. today , only Sohyun and Eunji were working. "one americano!" Sohyun called out and a young lady came to collect her order. "enjoy!" she smiled at the customer. when there was no orders to take , Sohyun would usually go to the tables and clear them up. when she collected the used plates , cups and utencils , Sohyun placed them in the basin. "Sohyun , one caramel latte." Eunji said. "let me do the dishes." Eunji came into the kitchen and took over Sohyun. she went out and prepared the drink for the customer who ordered it.

Seungwoo on the other hand ; who ordered the drink , was smitten by Sohyun. it wasn't the first time he's here. everyday he never fails to make his way to this café even if it's just for 10 minutes , just so he could see Sohyun. "one caramel latte!" Sohyun called out and made eye contact with Seungwoo. "oh hi! i've seen you around often." Sohyun smiled. "you..r-remember me?" Seungwoo stuttered nervously. "of course , i work here everyday and i see you all the time." she chuckled. "you have a great memory." Seungwoo smiled. "oh no , not really." Sohyun smiled , handing him the drink. "enjoy your drink."

"what time do you end your shift?" Seungwoo asked. "when the café closes , since me and my friend are the only ones working today." Sohyun said. "so 10:30pm?" Seungwoo asked and Sohyun widened her eyes. "you know what time the café closes?" Sohyun asked. Seungwoo started panicking inside his mind knowing he nearly exposed himself. "um..i-it's!" Seungwoo pointed at the brochures on the counter. "oh..right." Sohyun chuckled. "why did you ask though?" she asked. "i wanna um..never mind." Seungwoo said with a smile before walking to a table. he was cursing himself for not being able to say what he wanted to say ever since he started liking Sohyun.

"i sense something." Eunji said , startling Sohyun. "what are you talking about?" Sohyun asked. "you and that guy..will look cute together." Eunji teased. "it was just a chat , miss Eunji. have you done the dishes?" Sohyun changed the subject. "it's done already. we can relax till some of the customers leave." Eunji said.

customers come in and out but only Seungwoo remained at his table , ordering slices of cake every hour. "that guy has been here for 4 hours. i've noticed him." Eunji said. "why? are you interested?" Sohyun smirked. "oh please , he clearly likes you. i wouldn't wanna take a chance away from you. he seems like a nice guy too." Eunji winked. "stop it , i'll end up really liking him in the end i tell you!" Sohyun nudged Eunji who chuckled at how flustered her friend was.

when it was time to close , Seungwoo automatically stood up to leave. "woah , mr regular finally left after 7 hours. he might as well work here." Eunji said. "really?" Sohyun asked , monotoned. "i'll go clean the table and we can call it a day." Sohyun said. once she cleared the table and Eunji was done with the dishes , the two of them left the café after locking the door. while they walked towards the bus stop , Seungwoo gathered up all his courage and approached them. "oh mr regular- i mean , our regular customer!" Eunji chuckled embarrassed. "hi , may i speak to you alone?" Seungwoo asked Sohyun. Eunji smirked and slid away , leaving the two alone. she was watching them from a few feet away in case Seungwoo decides to lay his hands on her friend.

"hi um Sohyun." Seungwoo smiled. "hi." Sohyun smiled back. "i'm Seungwoo by the way." Seungwoo said. "why did you want to speak to me?" Sohyun asked. "i wanted to ask if you're single." Seungwoo went straight to the point. "as a matter of fact , yes." Sohyun said. "good , can i ask you out?" Seungwoo asked. "this is so sudden.." Sohyun said. Seungwoo started feeling a rush of nervousness as negative thoughts rushed through his mind. "where will you take me?" Seungwoo looked at Sohyun who was smiling at him. "it'll be a surprise. can i have your number? we can discuss the time." Seungwoo handed her his phone and she started typing in her number. he saved her number under the name , 'Pretty Barista Sohyun'.

"that's a cute nickname i have already." Sohyun chuckled after seeing her saved name. Seungwoo dialled the number and Sohyun's phone rang. she saved the number as 'Regular Seungwoo'. Seungwoo couldn't help but laugh at his nickname. "as time passes , it'll definitely be a better one." Sohyun chuckled. "i sure hope so."


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