Minhee-My Best Love

748 21 5

Genre : Fluff

Song : Chungha Roller Coaster

requested by jenjellybunny

third person's pov
"Chaeyang! ready?" Minhee said smiling with glee while holding onto the two tickets to the Lotte World. "you bet!" Chaeyang winked. they entered the theme park right away and started deciding which ride to take.

"can we go to the haunted house?" Chaeyang asked excitedly. well , Minhee wasn't happy. "uh , no? who goes to the haunted house this early?" he said as an excuse. "you're right. we shall go when it gets dark then." Chaeyang said. "that's not what i meant.." Minhee mumbled.

"wanna take Atlantis?" Minhee asked. it was a roller coaster ride that takes you 20m off the ground. "sure i do!" Chaeyang said. "race you there!" she started running to the queue which wasn't very long since they were early.

once the previous riders were done , both of them sat at the back row. the ride was so enjoyable for the both of them they literally forgot what their names were.

"Gyro Swing next!" Chaeyang said and Minhee nodded enthusiastically. before they got on , Minhee stopped Chaeyang for a moment. "you sure you can do it? you have motion sickness and this goes round and round." Minhee asked. "oh i'll be fine. besides , if i feel nauseous i can-"

"take mint sweets. what if they don't work?" Minhee asked. "they always do. come on! it's not nice to keep people waiting." Chaeyang said. although she didn't show it , she was super happy when Minhee showed concern towards her.

Chaeyang has a crush on Minhee , but he doesn't know it. yet. she don't know when she'll tell him or whether she'll even tell him about it but she always told herself to wait for the right timing.

luckily , Chaeyang was alright after the ride. they then proceeded inside to take more fun rides. Chaeyang gasped and pointed at another roller coaster ride. "can we go for that one? please!!" she begged Minhee who shaked his head. "that goes in circles for who knows how many times. we just rode the Gyro Swing and i'm not letting you take the French Revolution ; you might puke." Minhee said holding her hand. "we'll take the Flume Ride." he smiled.

"Flume ride?" she asked. "we'll get a little splashy there. it's a drop down to a stream of water." he said and felt a gush of relief when he saw Chaeyang getting excited after rejecting her request for the French Revolution ride. "where do you wanna sit?" Minhee asked. "front!" she smiled.

she didn't wanna get wet but didn't want Minhee too either so she sacrificed. the front seat was the most vulnerable to the splash.

after the ride , as expected Chaeyang was wet from the ride. her sleeves were completely drenched. "oh dear , i should have sat in front." Minhee sighed. "it's okay , it was fun." Chaeyang smiled. "well , you hungry?" he asked and she nodded. "you bet! wanna eat at Crystal Jade? i heard the Tang Soo Yuk there is delicious!" Chaeyang suggested. "sure!"

they ordered two servings of Sichuan Style Noodles With Spicy Chicken , Preserved Egg and Cucumber with a plate of Tang Soo Yuk.

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"how do you like the food here?" Chaeyang asked , a little nervous

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"how do you like the food here?" Chaeyang asked , a little nervous. "it's a scrumptious meal i had." Minhee smiled and Chaeyang sighed a sigh of relief. "well , i still have room for dessert. what about you?" Chaeyang smirked asking Minhee. "you doubting my huge appetite?" he asked. "no.." Chaeyang chuckled.

the two made their way to Osulloc ; a place for people who are looking for something to indulge their sweet tooth. "i'll have one plate of matcha crepe cakes and two green tea ice cream floats." Chaeyang said and paid for the food. "thank you , please wait for the buzzer to ring." the lady said handing Chaeyang a buzzer.

she then joined Minhee who was sitting at a table for two. "what did you order?" Minhee asked. "food." Chaeyang said making Minhee roll his eyes. "how much was it?" he asked reaching for his back pocket where his wallet was. "enough for me to pay." Chaeyang said. "i'm serious Chaeyang." Minhee chuckled. "you don't have to worry about it , i wanna pay for it." Chaeyang smiled.

when the buzzer rang , Minhee went to take the food. "these look too beautiful for me to eat." Minhee said. "we can take a picture first if you want to. i want to take it before we ruin it." Chaeyang said and the two of them took their phones and started taking pictures of the food and drinks before starting to dig in.

"we should take a more calm ride since we just ate ; don't wanna vomit all the good food out." Chaeyang said. "why not take the Carousel?" Minhee suggested and she nodded in agreement.

Chaeyang got onto a horse with the help of Minhee since the horse was elevated when it stopped from the previous ride. Minhee stood next to her , holding the pole since he didn't want to sit. when the ride started , Chaeyang couldn't stop smiling as she reminisces the good memories from her childhood.

she looked at Minhee who was looking at her unconsciously and immediately looked away when she made eye contact with him. "hey Minhee." Chaeyang said. "yeah?" he turned to her acting like nothing happened. "there's something on your nose." Chaeyang said leaning in closer with Minhee leaning in as well. before he knew it , Chaeyang pecked the tip of his nose since she was at the height to , making Minhee widen his eyes in shock. "oops , it was just my lips." Chaeyang bit her lips and nervously looked at Minhee for his reaction.

she could see his cheeks start turning red.

"y-you.." he didn't know what to say. "sorry if i did something i shouldn't have done." Chaeyang said. "well you shouldn't have placed your lips on my nose because your lips should've been on my lips." with that , Minhee leaned in and pecked Chaeyang's lips. "you..just kissed me.." Chaeyang smiled. "because you did." Minhee said. "well , i don't have to tell you i like you right?" Chaeyang asked. "you just did but i'm glad you did because i like you too." Minhee smiled and stood closer to Chaeyang , holding her hand.


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