Eunsang-Forbidden Love Pt. 2

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Genre : Angst

Song : BTS Hold Me Tight

requested by yanagirenjiidealtype & yeongchae

third person's pov
Eunsang rushed back home after a good hours of crying outside Eunhee's apartment. "oh Eunsang! you're home my precious boy!" his mom smiled standing up after seeing Eunsang enter the house. Eunsang just went straight to his room without greeting his mom. he shut the door not forgetting to lock it behind him. "Eunsang? you don't look so good , are you okay?" his mom asked knocking on his door. Eunsang ignored her and dragged out his luggage , opening it to throw his clothes and pants in along with his other belongings. after packing everything , he pushed his luggage aside and opened the door to stop his mom who was literally yelling for him outside.

"gosh Lee Eunsang! why didn't you answer me earlier on?!" his mom scolded him. "i don't answer to people whom i don't respect." Eunsang's words shocked his mom. "Lee Eunsang! what has gotten into you for you to talk to me like that?!" she asked. "you told Eunhee i was going to marry some girl i barely know! you know i like Eunhee and yet?! you don't respect me so i won't show respect to you too!" Eunsang yelled before turning back to drag his luggage out of his room. "Eunsang! Eunsang where are you going?! come back here!" Eunsang just continued his way ignoring his mother's calls from behind.

he got out and hailed a taxi to get to Eunhee's apartment. "Eunhee , open the door." he knocked on her door and ringed the bell continuously. Eunhee stood behind the door and looked at the camera that showed her Eunsang with his luggage. her eyes widened making her open the door for him. he just barged in and slammed the door shut. he sat on the sofa after leaving his baggage aside. Eunhee stood still staring at Eunsang who looked pissed. "why-" "why didn't you tell me? about my mom? she met you right?" Eunsang cut her words. "i-i..that doesn't matter. why are you here with your luggage?" Eunhee frowned. "isn't it obvious? i'm living with you." Eunsang smiled. "what? no! go back home now!" Eunhee said. "i am home." Eunsang said emphasising the 'am' , taking off his socks to lie comfortably on the couch. "i'm worned out , i'll take a nap." he closed his eyes. Eunhee stomped to the couch and crossed her arms while looking at Eunsang. "Lee Eunsang , go back now. you're mother is going to worry about you." Eunhee said but she only got ignored by him.

she gave up and went to his luggage , dragging it out to the door making Eunsang wake up to stop her. "Eunhee! i'm dead serious about staying here with you! we can even move house to avoid my mother as long as we can be together. she told you i'm marrying a girl from a wealthy family right? well guess what? i'm not doing that." Eunsang snatched his luggage from Eunhee who was dumbfounded by his words. "your mom did that for your own good. what's gonna happen if you marry me? i'm poor , i live alone , i don't have a stable job and most importantly , i don't satisfy your mother's expectations. i want you to be happy in the future and that will only happen if you're in a privileged family. marrying me will only make you suffer. you won't chauffeurs to send you anywhere you want and will have to take the train or the bus , you can't buy branded items and will have to buy things that comes cheaper in pairs , you won't be able to fly to other countries as and when you like. it's a horrible life Eunsang and i don't want you to go through that. you won't get used to it." Eunhee said.

"but money can't buy love Eunhee. so what if the girl is wealthy? she can't give me the most important key to my happiness , love. only you can. i wanna be happy more than anything else. i don't care what my mother said to you , i know i'm not marrying anyone but you and you only. not some wealthy girl whom i barely know." Eunsang said. Eunhee was touched by his words and ran into his arms , hugging him like he was a bear. "i promise you , you're the one i'll spend my life with. i'll leave the house and get disowned if that's the price to pay to be with you." Eunsang said. "no , if that's the price you have to pay , then i'll kick you out of my apartment now." Eunhee said making Eunsang chuckle. "it was to show you how much i'm willing to do to be with you."

"it's so nice to be in these arms of yours again." Eunhee sighed. "i'll hold you tight and never leave you again." Eunsang smiled , giving her a peck.


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