Wooseok-Stop Acting Cool

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Genre : Fluff


requested by oneirtaxia

third person's pov
Saeji clenched her lower abdomen as she curled up into a ball on her bed. "not again.." she groaned in pain. she wasn't prepared for her period to arrive today. it was always irregular.

wanting to grab a heat pack to ease the pain , she grabbed her sheets to pull herself up. opening her drawer , she cursed under her breath after realising she didn't replenish her heat packs. one person popped up in her mind right after but she's a little afraid to talk to him.

her cramps got worse every minute making it very unbearable. she grabbed her phone and called her boyfriend , Wooseok.

"hello?" Wooseok's voice was heard. "Wooseok.." she said feeling weak. "what's wrong? you sound like you're dying." Wooseok said. "my cramps are killing me." Saeji said. "and? you want chocolates?" Wooseok asked. "no..can you get me heat packs? i forgot to replenish them when i finished the last one last month." Saeji asked.

"it's not my fault you forgot to buy more heat packs. i'm sure it's not that bad just deal with the pain." Wooseok hung up right after. Saeji was feeling too much pain to fight back. she threw her phone away and curled into a ball on her bed.

time skip~

Saeji heard her room door opening and looked up to see Wooseok walking in the with small bags. "still feel like dying?" Wooseok asked and Saeji gave a small nod. he took out the heat pack from one of the bags and placed it under her pants. "i'm sorry i took so long to reach here." Wooseok caressed her head. "it's okay , thank you for making time for me." Saeji smiled.

"i bought your favourite snacks too. you wanna watch a movie?" Wooseok asked. Saeji smiled and sat up. they decided to watch Gretel and Hansel.

halfway through the movie , Saeji started crying. "why are you crying?" Wooseok panicked. "it's just so sad that they have to go through this." she sobbed. Wooseok felt like laughing because he knew Saeji wouldn't act like this if it wasn't for her period. "it's okay , it's just a movie." Wooseok cooed. "it's not JUST a movie." she cried.

Wooseok closed his eyes and just stayed silent while comforting her. when she finally stopped , they continued to watch the show. Saeji laughed at jumpscares instead of screaming and Wooseok had the urge to laugh throughout the whole movie.

"you feeling better now?" he asked. "yeah , i'm lucky to have a nice boyfriend. i love you." Saeji smiled giving Wooseok a hug. Wooseok just hugged back and said nothing back—as usual. "can you stop acting cool already? i know you have a soft spot for me." Saeji frowned. "okay , i love you too." Wooseok said.


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