Hangyul-I'll Be Next To You Pt. 2

679 16 4

Genre : Angst

Song : X1 I'm Here For You

requested by ShiningPeliksue

third person's pov
"she's safe , any minute later she would have been in critical condition. make sure she isn't left alone once she's discharged from the hospital. sleeping pills can kill people if taken too much. i'll get my colleague to give her tests for depression. i have a feeling she has it after the suicidal attempt. my colleague will be able to diagnose it better than me." the doctor said before leaving Hangyul alone with Eunwon who was still knocked out. he went next to her and held her cold hand while looking at her. "sorry i wasn't there when you needed someone to lean on. i promise i'll be by your side 24/7 and make sure you won't try anything stupid like this ever again." Hangyul said to her.

when time flew by , Eunwon woke up and was now going through a checkup by a psychologist. "hello Eunwon , i'm doctor Son. before we start anything , i wanna tell you that you have to be really honest with everything you say alright?" she asked and Eunwon nodded. the doctor asked a bunch of questions and smiled before ending the session. "Eunwon , please follow the nurse to your bed so you can rest." doctor Son said as a nurse came in to escort Eunwon to her ward. "may i know how are you related to miss Eunwon?" she asked Hangyul. "i'm her- her friend. , i guess." he said. "your friend is diagnosed with depression. it's a very serious one i would have to say. the way how she described herself having no will to live really convinced me. come here with her every week and make sure she isn't alone most of the time. what happened today , can happen again to someone with depression." she told Hangyul. "thank you doctor. her mom just left her yesterday , that must be the reason for her devastation." Hangyul said and the doctor nodded. "i'll prescribe her some pills that might hopefully help. just make sure she eats them everyday. once should be enough." the doctor told Hangyul before escorting him out of the room.

Hangyul then made his way to Eunwon's ward , where she was seen lying on the bed staring at the ceiling blankly. "hey Eunwon , feeling better?" Hangyul pulled a chair next to her bed. "why did you save me?" she asked without looking at him. "i had to. i couldn't leave you to die." Hangyul answered honestly. "if you didn't save me , i would be with my mother by now." Eunwon said. "and i wouldn't be able to see you ever again." Hangyul replied making Eunwon silent. "you can go back tomorrow after the doctor gives you one last check in the morning." Hangyul said getting up to lie on the couch. "why are you lying here?" Eunwon got up and asked. "i'm sleeping here. i'm gonna be next to you 24/7." Hangyul closed his eyes all ready to sleep. Eunwon just kept quiet and stared at Hangyul.

Hangyul could sense her staring so he got up and sat next to her. Eunwon still had her eyes on him. "lie down. i'll help you." Hangyul helped adjust her bed so she could lie down comfortably. after tucking her , he stood up to go back to the couch when she held his wrist. "what's wrong?" he asked. "why are you doing this?" she asked. "because i care for you." Hangyul smiled before taking her hand to put them under the blanket. "sleep well , we can go home tomorrow." he pecked her forehead making her shocked before lying on the couch to sleep.

time skip~

the next day , the doctor checked Eunwon's condition before confirming she can leave. Hangyul already made an appointment for the next session of consultation for Eunwon with her psychologist. in the middle of the night last night , he went home to pack his things to move over to live with Eunwon. he knew she can't be left alone after what happened before. Eunwon was shocked to see luggages and bags in the living room when they stepped into the house. "i forgot to tell you , i'm living here from now on. i'm gonna be by your side all the time. well , except when you're in the toliet of course." Hangyul said. "who said you can do so?" Eunwon asked.

"no one told me i can't." Hangyul started shifting his bags aside and helped Eunwon back to her room. "your exams are coming , i'm going to help you pass them." Hangyul said pulling a chair in to her study table. "forget it , i'm gonna fail and drop out of school. i told you i have no will to live anymore." Eunwon laid on her bed. "Eunwon , you know i'm not going to let that happen." Hangyul said. "leave me alone Hangyul oppa. you know i'm not in the mood to study. my mom just left me and now i'm all alone! who in the right mind will be in the mood to study?!" Eunwon raised her voice. Hangyul kept quiet knowing he did something wrong. "i just want to distract you from whatever that is happening in your mind right now. i know you wanna kill yourself , you don't want to live , you wanna see your mother and nothing else in the world will attract you anymore." Hangyul said standing up to squat infront of her , holding her hands. "but i wanna let you know i'll never let that happen , because i like you. i won't let someone i care about leave me like that. your mother won't like it too. trust me and just follow my lead alright?" Hangyul smiled , hugging Eunwon who started crying. he wasn't shocked since it was a normal thing for someone who has depression to cry easily.

"we'll get through this together , that i promise you. i'll be next to you."


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