Hyeongjun-Our Time Pt. 1

694 20 3

Genre : Angst

Song : Apink Luv

requested by yoon_yuri

third person's pov
Hyeongjun and Haena have been a couple for 8 months but broke up a year ago. although it's been a long , Haena hasn't moved on. afterall their relationship was her first one , just like Hyeongjun.

you might think Hyeongjun is having no issues but he does , he's just too busy with his work to remember about their break up. he even occasionally thinks that Haena was still with him.

their bright and cheerful lives became dull and boring without one another. although they spent most of their time together face timing since Hyeongjun was mostly out , it was way better than knowing they can't face time each other again.

it was another sleepless night for Haena as she stared into the dark sky looking for stars to make a wish like she always does. though they never came true , she never gave up.

upon finding one , she closed her eyes and clasped her hands tightly. 'i wish that Hyeongjun will read my text i'll send later.' she said it in her heart.

minutes later , she took her phone and pressed on Hyeongjun's contact. after taking a deep breath in and praying a little to the stars , she started typing her text to him.

hi Hyeongjun.

do you miss me?

because i miss you.

she threw her phone and covered her face before lying on the bed. she couldn't help but freak out after sending the texts to Hyeongjun. before she could make the decision whether to delete the message , she heard a 'ding' indicating she received a message. that 'ding' made her freeze.

"no way.." she mumbled before crawling to her phone. when the screen lit up , Hyeongjun's name appeared.

hey Haena.

i don't know what to feel or say after knowing you still miss me.

i can't believe you replied.

is that suppose to be good or bad?

good of course. i told you i miss you.

thank you , i guess.

don't you miss me?

Hyeongjun wanted to tell her he missed her more than she missed him. but he had to get his stand right.

it's okay , if we're meant to be we'll meet again.

what's that suppose to mean?

remember we believed we're not meant to be together? that's what i meant.

sometimes i don't realise , and wake up one day , to realise a year has passed but i still miss you.

if i have to be honest , i do miss you too. after all it's 8 months we're talking about. it's all gone after one day.

i'll wait Hyeongjun , i'll wait for you

don't if you can't. don't waste your youth for me.

i've spent 8 months of my youth with you , it's not wasted. waiting a few more months is nothing to me.

i'm sorry you have to go through this.

the truth behind their break up was also because they couldn't meet each other often which eventually affected their relationship. like what Hyeongjun said , he felt like Haena was wasting her youth on him and didn't want that to happen.

if you realised , Hyeongjun never put a heart next to Haena's name to remind him they're not an item anymore so he won't text her by accident.
A/N : honestly not feeling it when i wrote this because my friend made me pissed so a part 2 will be really difficult for me to do ; try not to request for it please. i'm really sorry if this was bad.

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