Dohyun-Clumsy Fool

966 29 3

Genre : Fluff

Song : Seventeen Adore U

requested by imdyinghere

third person's pov
"you're lucky Dohyun , she's here in school today." one of his friends said when he entered the class. "really? that's a relief." Dohyun smiled. Dohyun has a huge crush on Mira who sadly isn't in the same class as him. she was missing classes for a week straight because she contracted intestine infection from food poisoning and it worried Dohyun so much he was unable to concentrate in school.

"look at him so elated after hearing that , better not be a lie." another said. Dohyun looked at the guy who said Mira was in school today. "it's not a lie , i saw her on my way to school." he said. "well , i'll know once i attend music class after school later." Dohyun said. he and Mira were partners in the music club of the school. everyday , there is practice for two people in the club and today is Mira and Dohyun's turn.

time skip~

after school , Dohyun headed straight to the music room to put his bag down only to see a familiar looking bag on the sofa as well. "Mira?" he mumbled. a sense of happiness started filling up in him which caused him to start smiling unconsciously. the thought of her being in school is making him so elated. "what are you smiling at?" he turned around and saw Mira standing there with two drinks in her hands. "oh , you're here?" Dohyun smiled embarrassingly. his clumsy hands made his bag slip out of his hand , causing it to fall on the ground with a thud. he didn't have his bag zipped up so his files , textbooks and papers fell out of his bag. "oh no.." he sighed before bending down to pick them up. Mira placed the two drinks down on the table and went to help Dohyun clear up. "thank you , i'm so clumsy." Dohyun chuckled nervously.

"i got you a drink." Mira handed Dohyun one of the drink. "thanks." he said. "shall we work on the music we were working on before?" Mira asked sitting infront of the electrical keyboard. Dohyun sat next to her trying to ignore his heart that was about to pound out of his chest. the two focused on producing the music and nothing else until it was 4pm. "see you tomorrow Dohyun!" Mira said before picking up her bag to leave. Dohyun froze after hearing what she said. "see you t-tomorrow?" he asked himself. "i'm seeing Mira t-tomorrow..?" he smiled like a fool.

time skip~

"is he alright?" "why is he smiling like a fool?" Dohyun's friends said while observing Dohyun who was resting his face on his right arm , smiling while looking out the window. "what's this?" one of his friends said looking at a bag next to Dohyun's table. Dohyun pulled the bag and placed it on the other side of his table. "he's hiding something." one of them said. "i'm giving Mira a pair of shoes." Dohyun said. "woah , that escalated quickly." his friend said. "how do you know what shoe fits her?" one of them asked. "i know her shoe size." Dohyun blurted out , immediately covering his mouth once he realised what he just said. "Dohyun is on the next level." his friend teased him.

during lesson time , Dohyun asked permission to go to the toilet. he took the box of shoes and exited through to the backdoor. instead of going to the toilet , he walked to the corridor of lockers to find Mira's locker. because he was so excited to give her the shoes , he didn't think about how to fit the box in the small lean locker. "oh crap." he mumbled. he stood in front of Mira's locker , staring blankly at it. "what are you doing in front of my locker?" he turned around and saw Mira standing there. due to shock , he dropped the box of shoes clumsily again.

"" Dohyun bent down to pick up the shoes while Mira approached him. " these for you.." Dohyun handed the shoes to her. "for me?" she smiled. "they're beautiful. thank you." she smiled. "Mira , i have something to tell you. do you have time for me?" Dohyun asked. "yeah , what is it?" she asked. "i adore you , enough to get dizzy. you're so pretty it's selfish but you're humble." Dohyun said. "your point is..?" Mira asked , confused. "i like you Mira..the shoes was suppose to be a secret gift for you but you caught me trying to hide it." Dohyun said and Mira chuckled. "why didn't you think about getting something smaller? a box this huge won't fit in here." Mira laughed. "i think i was a little too excited to think about." Dohyun laughed nervously. "anyways , here's some coins." Mira handed him some coins from her pocket. "what for?" Dohyun asked accepting it. "well , my mom told me if i receive shoes from people , i have to give something back or else i'll 'run' from that person one day." Mira said. "and i don't wanna run away from you , Dohyun." Dohyun smiled at Mira's words.


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