Seungwoo-A Date With My Man

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Genre : Fluff

Song : (G)I-DLE Help Me

requested by _BaeHara_

third person's pov
Siyeon and Seungwoo have been friends since high school and their friendship is still strong. just that there's a small difference now ; Siyeon has feelings for Seungwoo. she's too afraid to tell him so how Seungwoo feel about her was unknown to her. they were now at a park since they were having a little catch up session.

"i'm going out with my girlfriend." Seungwoo said. the moment Siyeon heard that , she felt like her world shattered. "y-you have a girlfriend?" she asked. "well , yeah." Seungwoo was smiling. "oh..when are you going out with her?" Siyeon said trying not to sound sad.

"depends , when are you free?" Seungwoo asked making Siyeon think. "well , i'm free today- wait what?" Siyeon furrowed her brows and looked up at Seungwoo who was smiling sweetly at her. "are you blushing?" Seungwoo smirked bending lower and closer to Siyeon's face. "what? n-no..i just..uh..caught a cold!" she chuckled nervously. "oh really? because of your cold? not because i told you that you looked cute and tiny in your outfit today?" Seungwoo smirked again. he was teasing Siyeon.

"n-no...wait- when did you even tell me i looked cute and tiny in my outfit?" Siyeon asked. "i just did , and your cheeks are so tempting to pinch." Seungwoo chuckled. "stop teasing me." Siyeon said covering her cheeks with her hands that were half covered by her long sleeves. "so may i have your answer? about being my girlfriend?" Seungwoo asked. "umm..well i'd love to!" Siyeon jumped into Seungwoo's arms and they both hugged each other.

"how about an impromptu date? with me today?" Seungwoo asked. "a date with my man? why not?" Siyeon smiled from ear to ear. the two decided to go to the arcade and play since they were near a mall that has one.

they played so many games together , laughed and screamed depending on which game they were playing and soon they were hungry. "can we have pancakes? i feel like having them." Siyeon asked. "of course , anything for you." Seungwoo slid his hand into Siyeon's and made their way to ice cream shop. Seungwoo told Siyeon to sit while he ordered the food.

he asked for two scoop ice cream on top of a waffle and also two hot chocolate since it was cold in Korea and he wanted Siyeon to be warmed up. "here you go." Seungwoo placed the tray that had the food and drinks on onto the table Siyeon was sitting at and watched as her eyes sparkle with glee upon looking at the food. "it looks so appetizing! and oh my! hot chocolate!" Siyeon took out her cold hands from the pocket of her jacket and cupped them on the cup.

"you're cold?" Seungwoo asked. "a little." Siyeon chuckled. Seungwoo took out his heat pack from his pocket and took Siyeon's hands. "this isn't a little cold , you're hands are literally ice!" Seungwoo said. "you're exaggerating." Siyeon said. "take this and put it in your pocket so you can warm your hands anytime later." Seungwoo said handing her the heat pack. "what about you?" Siyeon asked. "i have one for myself." he smiled.

after they were done , Seungwoo walked Siyeon home.

"thanks for today." Siyeon said when they reached her apartment. "what's there to thank for to your boyfriend?" Seungwoo chuckled. "it's just so surreal..i can't believe we're actually dating now." Siyeon said. "i had feelings for you like a few months ago but never wanted to tell you about it because i was afraid you didn't see me the way i see you." she continued.

Seungwoo leaned in and gave Siyeon a peck , making her freeze. "it's all real and you're mine , just like how i belong to you now." Seungwoo smiled. Siyeon went in for a hug which only lasted for a few seconds before Seungwoo broke away. "are you free tomorrow?" Seungwoo asked. "yeah why?" she asked. "wanna go on another date with me?" he asked and Siyeon nodded excitedly. "great , see you tomorrow. go in now , it's cold." Seungwoo told her and watched her go into her apartment before leaving for his.


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